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Last night I told the police that I'll just call them back when needed. Lisa cried so much last night that I feel like there's much more going on with her paying a debt. I think she does pay someone but I think it's too much for her to cry just because the police are involved. I don't seriously know what's happening and my curiosity's killing me.

I told Mr. Kang to keep an eye on Lisa just to make her safe while I'm at the company. I've finished everything around 8 pm and I received a call from Jisoo saying that they'll go out to drink with Lisa. At first, I don't want Lisa to go out and drink but then I think she needs it after what happened last night but I told Jisoo to let Mr. Kang and some guards around them just to be sure which she agreed to.

I went home at around 110 pm since I need to talk to some employees about their concerns. I was greeted by Kuma when I went in so I picked him up and pet him while I roam around to look for Leo and Luca to feed them.

Around midnight I received a call from Mr. Kang saying that they're on their way home and Lisa's so drunk that she can barely walk and keep her eyes open. I walk towards the kitchen to grab some water as I put it upstairs on her side table.

"Jennie Kim!! "I heard Lisa's annoying loud voice called out so I run downstairs seeing Mr. Kang on her side as her arm wrapped around Mr. Kang's shoulder for support.

"Why did you drink too much... " I stated and grab her other arm to wrap it around my shoulder. "I'll take care of her... Thank you Mr. Kang" I said and he just nodded and leave me with a drunk Lisa.

"Jennie Kim where's Leo? " she asked with her eyes barely open as I tried not to trip since she's trying to walk too much and she can't even walk straight

"Leo's probably sleeping... Let's go upstairs" I said and put my other arm around her waist. We kept going on zig-zag towards the stairs since she's so drunk to even walk straight

"Jennie Kim we might step on the ant be careful " she said pointing at the stairs... No wonder she's really drunk "Jennie Kim I'm dizzy" she said while I struggle on letting her walk upstairs "Jennie Kim I think I'll vomit" she said bending down making me bend down as well since her arm's on my shoulder

"What the fuck Lisa... If we fall on these stairs I'll fucking kick your ass" I said making her chuckle

"Jennie Kim... You can't kick my ass when we fall cause we'll have broken bones" she slurred out making me roll my eyes "Jennie Kim how many bones do you have? " she asked making me roll my eyes one more time as we're near the top of the stairs

"enough to break your own bones" I said making her laugh and when we made it upstairs she kept raising her feet like she's still climbing some steps making me chuckle

"Isn't your mouth hurting from talking too much? " she said making me raise my brows at

"Excuse me? You're the one who's talking too much" I scoffed

"Shh Jennie Kim... See you're talking too much. Here let me take the pain away since you talk a lot" she said and stepped right in front of me while she put both of her hands on my shoulder for support "I'll help you Jennie Kim" she said and before I even knew it I felt her soft plump lips on mine making my eyes widened and when she pulled out it's like nothing happened and when I snap out of it I immediately shove her out of my way as I walk towards my bedroom shutting the door and laying down on my bed

"There's no way that dumb annoying person just kissed me" I whispered to myself while holding my lips. Fuck it.

I went out since Lisa can't go to her room without any help and when I went out I saw her sitting on the floor with Leo in front of her just sitting as well

"Luca... Did you play with Kuma? " she said looking at the cat right in front of her

"That's Leo, not Luca " I said and she turns her head towards me

"Oh... Jennie Kim, why is your face red? Are you drunk? " she said with a heavy blink of her eyes

"You are the one who's drunk" I said picking her up from the floor as we made our way to her room

"I'm not drunk Jennie Kim" she said as I lay her down on her bed, I also pull off her shoes and I put the covers up to her chest. I took a seat next to her bed and look at her face. I accidentally look down at her lips and the kiss from earlier came flashing back again making me shut my eyes off... Fuck I'm gonna cut her bangs tomorrow I swear

"Jennie Kim " she said making me open up my eyes to look at her and she still has her eyes closed

"Don't get the police involved again alright? I don't want you to get hurt... Cause it pains me 10 times more" she said making me confused as I leaned over to listen to her intently

"Do you know what Jennie Kim... I always have the wrong decision in life. " she said and I can feel that she'll fall asleep anytime now

"I don't even know why you're around me, Jennie Kim... You're too good to be involved here" she paused "I killed my parents Jennie Kim.. And I'm a horrible person" she said

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