3. the nurse

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then one morning

the sixth of may

the hospital nurse

walked in with breakfast on a tray

into the room that was becoming

so much more smaller

so much more emptier

so much more lonelier

so much more greyer

so much more sadder

but now so much less out of it all

and the little girl said hey

her voice merely a whisper

she tried to wave hello

but the tubes and lines

now part of her arms 

weighed her down further

for she was slowly shrinking

she had forgotten how to smile

her fingernails were turning yellow

her skin was pale and dry

her hair was falling out

first in strands

then in tuffs

then she barely had any at all

but when you looked into her eyes

you could still see the stars

a few were fading 

slowly burning out

but the rest  were glowing

stronger than ever

for stars shine brightest

in the darkest nights

and the nurse walked in

gave her a peck on the forehead

it was hot and cold and sore

all at the same time

the nurse scooped up some flakes

but the girl shook her head

back and forth 

she didn't want to eat 

her tummy was bloated with dread

and just a few months back

she was at the dining table

gulping down bowls of cereal

then begging for some more

the nurse tried to force it down her throat

because her body was getting weaker

with each passing day

but the girl was screaming

she was kicking and backing away

the nurse was now a threat to her

and she didn't want her to stay

the nurse tried to coax her

her attempts all but vain

in the end she left

with tear-filled eyes

cancer had ruined

another child’s life

and the girl is crying

her head is light

she wants to go back

to the days when

everything was fine

but that was then

and this is the now

the bitterness of the real world

had finally hit her hard

and it sure did

h     u     r     t  .

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