Introductions part 1

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Angelica's P.O.V-

I walked in the big office. Mr. Cowell asked me to sit down. I sat politely and quietly, avoiding any eye contact for now. I seem pathetic, but I can't look people in the eye, it scares me to see what's inside.

"Now. Mrs. Greyson. I expect nothing less than what we have agreed on. You will be living with the boys, seeing your condition isn't the best, but in a small house at the back of theirs. You cannot by any chance get involved with any of them, especially the ones that aren't single. Your duty is to simply clean, cook and attend to medical emergencies. You will be given a new wardrobe, including your daily uniform. Your pay check will be worth 3000 pounds a month, and if you are do well for the first two months, you will be given a raise of 40%." He listed off, by now I was fully staring into his eyes, absorbing every word he said in my direction, nodding every now and then.

"I understand and agree sir. Where shall I sign?" I asked as politely and professionally as an eighteen year old girl could. He smiled satisfied, handing me a paper after marking a small 'x' on where I should sign. I read the contract just in case there was something that was not mentioned to me. He smiled once again.

"I admire you Angelica. You are very mature for an eighteen year old. But I do guess your condition hasn't given you much of choice when it came to growing up..." He trailed off, smiling with sympathy at me. I held my chin higher, showing I did not like at all his sympathy, or anyone else's for that matter. I was given the life I was strong enough to handle, not a punishment. He sighed and rolled his eyes. I smiled slightly and continued reading.

"What is my schedule, sir?" I asked, seeing it wasn't on the contract.

"What do you mean schedule? It's a full time job, those boys are a handful, even if they are already adults!" He exclaimed, but it wasn't as rude as you think it would be. It was more of a pleading exclamation, not an order or anything of that sort.

"Yes, I presume... Will I be aloud to bring my brother to live with me? I'm the only family he has and knows of, he's only a 6 year old child, please let him stay with me?" It was my turn to beg and plead, but I knew that if his word was against my wish, I couldn't deny the offer of a good job like this.

"Of course, darling. What's the little guy's name?" He asked smiling at me in a loving way. If the boys he talks so much about are as kind as he is, I believe I won't have problems at all, it would actually be nice to be treated like a human being for a change. Long story, don't ask.

"His name is Liam." I smiled as an image of my baby brother, jumping on our parent's bed smiling, came to me. Mr. Cowell smiled and nodded please. I finished reading in five minutes and signed the contract, handing the papers back to him. He stood up, signaling for me to do the same. I stood up and softened out my outfit. It wasn't much, but it was the best I had, for now apparently.

"Come now! You must start at once! Oh! I forgot to mention, silly me. You have breaks whenever your finished with the daily chores and tasks, and weekends are strictly free, no matter what!" He said smiling at me. I'd have to take Liam out, the poor kid has so much energy it scares me.

We got into his car and he drove for about twenty minutes before pulling up to a hugemansion. I stared up at the house, admiring it's grandness and architecture. I must've been staring for quite a while, seeing as Mr. Cowell had to pull my arm lightly whilst chuckling. I blushed and looked down, already cursing myself for being so oblivious and weird.

We walked into the biggest living room I'd ever seen. This time, I sucked a deep breathe in and continued following Mr. Cowell. We passed the equally large kitchen, and I instantly thought to myself 'How am I going to clean all of this alone?!'. We strolled down the stairs, and went inside a room full of gym equipments with the music blasting loudly. I've never heard the song, but it was really motivating seeing as there were five males all working out and doing excise routines.

My instincts kicked in and I quickly hid behind Mr. Cowell's tall figure, hoping no one had noticed me yet. Thankfully, I was right, I had passed unseen and unheard. Now all I have to do is quietly head back upstairs and run away for dear life! Yes, I'm that much of a coward.

"Oh no you don't!" Mr. Cowell said before grabbing my hands and pulling me back in just as I was going to open the door and make a run for it. He held me behind his back, which I was grateful for.

"BOYS!" He screamed and I quickly sucked in a breathe and sealed my eyes shut. I hated screaming and shouting, they only bring up bad memories. The room went silent after he screamed and even though I was behind Mr. Cowell, I could feel five pair of eyes staring at us, well at him, but... You get it... I said a small prayer in my head, hoping they wouldn't hate me or hurt me.

"Now, as you all did me the favor of scaring off the last maid, I hired a younger maid. She's been through a lot, so I expect you all to be nice to her, otherwise, I will cut off your hobbies for another 4 months. Now, please come forward, line up and present yourselves!" He ordered. I heard grumbles and feet coming in our direction. I took a deep breathe and closed my eyes, praying again.

"Uh... Uncle Simon, where's the new maid?" A voice asked. It was very cheerful and slightly high-pitched. I heard Mr. Cowell tell me they were a boy-band, a very famous one at that. I casually surprised him by telling him I had no idea who he was or who they were.

" Behind me, she's scared of you already so smile politely and with very welcoming faces, got it?" He hissed at them. I could practically see them gulping hard. It's good to see they have respect for Mr. Cowell, maybe they might respect me too... Haha, most unlikely but a girl can dream right?

"Come on Angelica, they wont bite, I promise..." Mr. Cowell said. On the way here we had made up a plan to fool the boys into believe I was an insecure little teenager full of problems, so that I could catch them by surprise with my motherly skills. All Mr. Cowell's idea of course... But in fact I do not like meeting new people, it scares me, but a job is a job no buts...

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