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Angelica's P.O.V-

"Boys! Please! Stop running around! You'll b-" Crash. "Break something" I sighed defeated. I don't understand how it all started, but Louis was running after Niall who was chasing Harry, who was on Zayn's back who was chasing Liam with a spoon. Sometimes I think of them as overgrown babies or toddlers.

"We're sorry! It's just... OK, we have no excuses this time..." Zayn said defeated. Harry got off his back, Niall, Louis and Liam stopped running and stood close with the same sorry glances. I rolled my eyes and stretched my hand out, one by one they gave me their phones (IPhone to be exact) and sat on the couch.

"I know you're all expecting a lecture, but my chores are done, you will only get your phone after tomorrow if you behave, if not..." I said in a threatening tone.

"Yeah, yeah! We get it!" Harry rolled his eyes. I looked at him questioningly, as if to challenge him. He sighed and mumbled a 'sorry'.

"I know you guys hate me, but it's for your own good. I don't like punishing you guys or even giving you lectures, I really don't, but sometimes you guys deserve to be treated like 5 year old kids, I'm sorry" I said giving them a ' I'm so disappointed ' look. They hang their heads low and I clapped my hands together.

"Well, that's it for a day, I have to go pick up Liam then I'll cook dinner" I said. They all nodded and I left the house driving to Liam's school. I picked him up and drove back to the mansion. I parked the car and got out. Just as I was about to unlock the door to our house, I heard a crash followed by a scream of pain. I dropped my keys and ran to the mansion and barged in.

"What happened?" I asked frantic.

"We were going to prepare dinner so you didn't have to do it, but we've lost practice ever since our last maid was hired, so Harry accidentally cut himself whilst mincing the tomatoes!" Niall said rapidly. I frowned and nodded.

"Come on Harry, let me see how it looks" I calmly said extending my hand for him. He had cut deep into his right index finger, but nothing that a few stitches couldn't fix.

"Hmmmm... It could've been worse, nothing that a few stitches wont do..." I said whilst heading inside to grab the supplies.

"NO! I WILL NOT HAVE YOU STITCH ME! NEVER!" He yelled before he ran off. I sighed and face palmed. I looked at the boys with pleading looks, they nodded once and took off after him. I looked back and saw none other than Liam, still standing in his school uniform.

"I'm sorry Liam, the big boys need me" I smiled sadly at him. He nodded still smiling.

"It's OK, I can help you! I'll hold Harry's hand!" He said all cheerfully. I smiled gratefully at him and nodded. I picked my baby brother up and held him with one hand whilst I went to my house to unlock the door and get Liam out of his school clothes, the poor kid needs a break. I prepared Liam's bubble bath and got his pj's out. He took a bath with his little ship and then changed all alone, then he came out with a messy hair. I laughed and combed it, it was wet so it looked gelled but he looked (and smelled) ready to sleep.

"Are we going to fix Harry's finger?" He asked suddenly. I remembered none of the boys had that training and I nodded. I took a quick shower and got dressed in my pj's, luckily, they didn't look so much like pj's. I walked out of our house with Liam holding my right hand and I walked in to the boys holding Harry down on the couch. His hand was literally covered in blood, making me groan a bit.

"Boys, I think I can handle him from here" I said smiling at them. "Thanks by the way" I quickly said before walking up to Harry and sitting on him. He tried moving me but he winced and pulled his hand back, the one that had a cut finger. The blood was dry by now so none got on my clothes.

"Now, it can either be the easy less painful way or it can be the hard and very painful way. It's your choice" I said raising my hands up and jumping off of him. He sighed and thought for a moment.

"Easy way please..." He trailed off hanging his head. I smiled victoriously and took his other hand in mine.

"There's an emergency kit in every bathroom in the house, your en-suits have those too" I said.

"Harry I suggest you go to your room, take a shower or bath, get dressed cause I have to bandage that up and you wouldn't want to fidget with the soap do you?" I said. He nodded and went upstairs to his bedroom.

"You boys should be wearing your pj's as well!" I narrowed my eyes at the boys.

"We were chasing Harry, remember?" Niall said laughing. I smiled and nodded.

"Yes, I do. I'm very grateful for your help!" I said cheerfully. They all smiled and nodded running to their rooms as well.

"Are you going to help me with Harry?" I asked Liam, he nodded and walked up the stairs with me. I knocked on Harry's door and heard a faint 'come in'. I opened the door and Liam ran in before I could. Harry was sitting on his bed shirtless. Not that I'm bothered or anything, this boy just doesn't walk around naked because I forbid it.

"OK, let's get you all stitched up!" I said clapping my hands and smiling. He rolled his eyes at me but stood up, walking to his bathroom, I followed him along with Liam. I got the box out of it's hiding place and got the gauze out, the needle, the string, the pain killers, the oxygenated water. He sat on his sink and I began working on his finger. His hand was clean, but the wound was still bleeding, he was loosing to much blood too. I cleaned the area as nicely as I could with the oxygenated water and cotton balls. I poked the string into the needle and began sowing the cut, making sure to do it quick to he felt the less pain possible, I don't know why but I felt bad about him feeling pain, it made me sad. Liam kept holding his hand all the time and he would massage it whenever Harry winced or closed his eyes shut. I smiled at that. After I was finished I cleaned it again with the water and cotton, then applied some cream ( A/N: you know the ones we use when we cut? Am I the only one?) gauzing it at the end.

"Thank you, Angel..." Harry said, staring deep into my eyes. I felt a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach, like something tickling it but at the same time punching it. I lowered my head as a blush crept onto my face. Liam giggled, then ran downstairs. I prepared dinner and we all ate talking about our lives, well, they were telling me about their lives, I was just listening and laughing. After that, the boys kindly washed the dishes and we had a movie night. I fell asleep on the couch with Liam next to me and Harry's head on my bum.

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