A toast!

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Angelica's P.O.V-

"Phew! That was a lot of work!" Jake said wiping his forehead. I was still panting a bit but I managed to answer.

"You can say that again!" I smiled a bit out of breath. We just finished cleaning and putting in the furniture for Jake's bedroom, and I must admit, we did a pretty good job. Jake picked the colors and he chose the design out of the pictures a lady at the furniture store showed us. We hired professional painters and the store staff helped put the furniture in place. I had already sold the previous flat.

I know my father was the one who bought it, but he knows that I moved and I'm trying to start over and all. He agrees I need a bit of rest from my hectic family situation and life in general. We've done all the paper work, DNA tests, and it turns out he really is my father. He took me last night to a fancy restaurant where I met my step mother and her daughter. The girl's name is Jade, she's 8 years old and is the kindest and cutest thing ever.

We've been moving things for two weeks now, and we're finally finished. The boys came to visit my old flat when I was still there, taking care of the furniture though. I had to somehow keep them off track about the moving. The less they're involved with me, the less problem they'll have. Can you imagine all the rumors they would be involved in with the "long lost daughter of Simon Cowell"?

I told Jake to finish putting away his stuff and I went to put mine away. We were going to have guests soon, so when I was done I took a showe and got dressed. Jake took a shower too and changed into something more suitable.

The doorbell rang and I ran down the stairs and through the living room to answer it.

"Oh hey Laura!" I greeted her with a hug. (a/n: ignore the sun glasses)

"You done? Already!?" She asked, looking around. I giggled and nodded. I've been giggling more, something I would've never done.

"And you're already started in the attitude mission too? I'm impressed" She knows I don't giggled much.

"I'm here too, ya know" Jessica said from behind Laura. I giggled again and let them both in. To my surprise, Mathew and Sammy ran in with Ashton chasing after them. I rolled my eyes.

"Feel at home" I said after they already began jumping on my NEW couch!!!

"OFF THE COUCH!" I half yelled. They giggled but got off. Ashton sat down, looking exhausted. Jake ran down and hugged everyone except me.

"What? No hug for momma?!" I asked in a baby voice. He rolled his eyes but grinned and hugged me. I laughed and hugged back.

"Where's the kitchen?" Laura asked and I noticed that her and Jessica had grocery bags in their hands.

"Aw! You shouldn't have!" I said, genuinely happy but feeling guilty about it too.

"Just show us the kitchen!" She laughed and shook her head. I laughed and told them to follow me and I took them to my new kitchen. It wasn't huge but it was just adorable and it worked for me. The ladies and I began preparing dinner. I had invited them over to celebrate the new beginning for me and Jake. I also invited my dad, after all, without him, none of this would be possible.

It's honestly exciting for me. To Jake he's just moving houses and getting a new room, but for me it's totally different. A lot of changes are coming, a lot of new responsibilities and things to do. Now I have to get a job, start studying again, pay the bills, keep the house clean, take care of Jake, and become what I would call you're average single mother.

I've done some thinking, and I love singing and dancing, I really do, but I think of it all more as a hobby, a talent I have. I've heard there's a nearby protestant church, I'm thinking of going there and maybe be part of the choir or something, but I don't want the spotlight, the fame, and all that. I'm meaning to tell my father what my real intentions are tonight, one of the reasons I invited him to come.

"Okay, just let it cook for an hour or so then we can take it out of the oven" Laura said. We nodded and took off our aprons and gloves. It was so fun cooking with these two, it's like I've never left the boys in the first place. But I did, and that's another thing I need to get over.

"How about a tour of the house?" I suggested, since waiting an hour without doing anything was going to be really boring.

"I thought you'd never ask!" Jessica said throwing her hands in the air and walking out of the kitchen. Me and Laura chuckled and followed her out.

"What smells so good?" Ashton asked, curious of course.

"A house tour, get off your butt and get walking" Jessica ordered pulling at his arm. He sighed annoyingly and got up, almost knocking Jessica down. We laughed and I took them up the stairs.

"Well, you guys already know the kitchen, so I decided we'd start up here" I began the tour and held up my hand, curling my hand to make it look like a microphone.

"This way, ladies and gentlemen" I said leading them towards the first door, a.k.a the guest bedroom.

"Right behind this door, is the guest room" I said opening the door, moving out of the way so they could come in and 'admire' the room. The window looked out to the backyard. They pretended to take pictures and 'awed' every once in a while. How very funny, two children and three adults acting like tourists visiting a museum, then there's another child and another adult being the tour guides. We're all sane, I swear!

"This way, ladies and gentlemen" Jake said. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention his hair has turned completely ginger and that he let it grow? Ooops, my bad! And by the way, in two days, it will be his birthday. He's turning 7, my little man!

We all followed him to his room. He showed them where everything was, except his little secret. Only I know what it is.

"This is the bathroom" I said, once we had walked out of Jake's bedroom and continued walking down the hallway. I'm surprised we all fit in.

"My bedroom" I said opening the door. I jumped on my bed.

"That's my amazing closet and vanity, this is my bed and that's my work desk" I said patting pointing at everything and patting my bed. Laura, Jessica and Sammy had excited faces on and huge grins.

"It's SO awesome!!" Sammy exclaimed making Laura and Jessica nod in agreement. I thanked them and the boys were just rolling their eyes, even Jake. I shook my head at them and grinned.

"Last but not least" I said hopping off my bed and walking out.

"The laundry room" I presented them after opening the last door.

"It's small but it works perfectly" I explained. I took them back downstairs and we walked further into the house, passing the kitchen, which Mathew and Ashton saw for the first time.

"This is the dining room where we'll be having dinner" I said. It was already set and ready for when my father arrives. I opened a door that was close to us and led them to the backyard.

"I'm planning to make a garden some time, but for now, this is our backyard" I said hugging Jake close. We finished the tour and we still had about 20 minutes till the food was ready. The ladies and I decided to finish putting things on the table.

The doorbell rang again and I was pretty sure it was father. I ran to the door and opened it. Sure enough, father stood there in a casual outfit and a bouquet of flowers in his hand, with his wife and daughter next to him. I smiled wide and jumped into his arms. He hugged back laughing, making his chest tremble against me. I laughed along and greeted the rest of my family with hugs and led them in. The timer dinged and Laura said she'd get it. I gave them a tour of the house and they loved it. Kate, the girl, loved my bedroom, which made me beam.

"And thank you Lord for everything you have done for us, in the name of Jesus, Amen" I said and we began talking and eating. It was a very peaceful dinner and after that, we made the men clean up while the kids went upstairs to play and us ladies stayed in the living room chatting.

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