Taeyong- Dance Project

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"Ugh, this is going to take forever!" I exclaimed, dropping myself back first on my bed. I heard Taeyong chuckle as I covered my face with my hands. I usually had more patience than this, but I was really beginning to lose it with this project.

"Don't worry, Y/N. I'll come up with something." I heard Taeyong say, feeling the bed sink as he took a seat beside me.

"But I don't want you to do all of the work. You know I hate that." I removed my hands, placing them on my stomach. I stared at my ceiling for a few seconds before looking over to my best friend and partner for this dance project.

Our goal was to pick a song and create a choreography for it. If a song had a choreo already, then we weren't allowed to use any of it, we were obliged to create everything ourselves. Our problem was that the both of us listened to such different styles of music, it was hard to pick just one. I was also not the greatest dancer, which the both of us were well aware of. I apologized numerous times for it, though he kept trying to reassure me that it was fine and that we'd make something work. As much as I wanted to believe him, we were already taking so much time for just picking a song.

"Okay, how about this song?" Taeyong suggested, pressing play to a song on his phone. I listened, eventually nodding my head along to the beat.

"Yeah... Yeah, this is good." I sat up, smiling. "Now for the fun part, choreographing." Taeyong hummed, then stood up. He restarted the song, put his phone on my bed, then backed up a few steps. He stood there for the first two seconds, then started to dance along to it, slow at first, but his moves gradually got smoother and started to effortlessly fit with the music.

At the end, I clapped, amazed at how natural he seemed. Then the next song played. It was slow and nice. I found myself lightly swinging from side to side, enjoying the calm vibe it gave off. Smiling, Taeyong came towards me and offered his hand.

"Would you care to dance?" He asked, a light shade of pink appearing on his cheeks. I giggled as I put my hand in his, getting up.

We moved to the center of the open space, my arms going around his neck, his around my waist. Swaying side to side, slowly going in a circle, I just enjoyed the moment. I hoped that my being nervous wasn't too obvious as I tried to calm my fluttering heart.

In all honestly, I've liked Taeyong for the longest time. I originally talked to him to hopefully become a couple, but it seems as though we bonded quickly and became good friends instead. Though my feelings haven't changed, I tried my best to think of this as us dancing as friends that were comfortable with each other.

When the song was about to end, I had a sudden urge to gaze into Taeyong's eyes, so I did. Looking up, I found him already looking down at me, a small smile formed on his lips. I felt my face get warmer as I spoke up.

"How long have you been looking at me for?" I joked, grinning.

His cheeks flushed as he replied, "I don't mean to sound creepy, but since the beginning."

I was about to laugh, but noticing his meaningful expression, I only smiled. I knew he didn't mean it in a weird way, though my heart leapt regardless. I listened as the song ended, us two stopping at the same time. I was about to turn away to play the previous song so that we could get back to work, but I couldn't seem to move for some reason. His eyes were so captivating and beautiful, I couldn't help but get lost in them. I was paying no attention to which song played, only on the present moment.

He brought a hand to my cheek, using his other arm to slowly bring me closer. Without me realizing it, we had brought our faces near each other, to the point where I could almost feel his breath. After some hesitation, he placed his lips on mine. I closed my eyes and returned it, the beating of my heart increasing rapidly. After a short period of time, we separated, putting our foreheads together, though I kept my eyes closed.

"Y/N..." He called out quietly, caressing my cheek with his thumb. I hummed in response, waiting to know what he wanted to say. "I don't know how else to say it... I'm in love with you... I have been for a while now, but I only realized it earlier." I opened my eyes, searching his.

"I'm in love with you too. Though, I realized that before we properly met," I pointed out, then grinned. "But does it matter when we realized our feelings for each other?"

"I guess not." He laughed.

We decided to spend the evening just snuggling and talking. Eventually, he fell asleep, his head against my shoulder. I made sure that he was properly covered with the blanket, then went over todays events. I smiled, happy that I was here, in this moment, with him.

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