Question IV (lil NSFW??)

80 3 13

// Before people flip, it's still Daisyproof, Just a strip club. 

After Kiku left, Lau just stood there for a while, looking at the lone garment left behind in his hurry. A tank top from some one-hit wonder band called Pandora's Butler, with the band's insignia and stylized mascot Cheshire on it. Lau stared at it on the floor, as if it might get up and lead him to the guy. He really was quite intriguing, that Honda, and his instincts for what hurt others was either absolutely spectacular or a lucky guess. Thinking back on the conversations they've had, the small talk they've made, Lau was beginning to think that was some skill of his, knowing somehow what got under people's skin. Of course, who would know better than someone with the same skill, but Kiku seemed to use his little gift to avoid uncomfortable topics. Usually, when people are talking about meaningless nothings, they ask about siblings or something, family, but Kiku had never asked a single word about it until that insult. 

"Sir, I understand your mother may have dropped you one too many times before deciding never to come back..."

Lau shoved a shoebox of snap clasps off his sofa and threw himself down to the sound of little metallic clinks skittering across the wood. Instead of a pillow, though, he forgot there was also a tin of tied together pankou knots for the collars of his garments that he conveniently hit his head on and a stiff bolt of interfacing falling behind the cushions. Lau threw them too, the bolt not going far, as it was only cardboard and whatever makes fusible interfacing stiff and sticky when hot. Heheh, sticky when hot. This is why people hate Lau, he makes things too intimate. 

Wow, Hate is a strong word, even for someone who deals in strong emotions. Maybe he should start seeing someone. Pfft, the Earl would be so pissed if Lau started talking to some rando about his problems. Unless he talked to the Earl about them. They could drink at Svante! Wait, nope, Iza runs that and he would love to get dirt on Lau. Who else runs a good strip bar in this town? What about that rabbit dude? The one with the cross-dressing little brother and the husband obsessed with cats? What the hell did they even call that place? 

Whatever. Lau already had his phone in his hands. Vincent didn't pick up his own phone though, his husband did. 

"New phone, who dis?" Adrian teased, though clearly caller ID was a thing. Ya know what, the more the merrier, Lau decided. 

"Get your hubby and head to the Rabbit Hole, hoe." Lau said with a nice smirk. 

"The Rabbit Hole?" 

"Ya know, the one the Hawthorne guys own? With the cat obsessed dude?" 

"... Lau, I don't think that's the name, but okay. I'll see if Vincent wants to-" 

"Vincey baby is going, whether he likes it or not, and you may want to tag along if you want to insure his fidelity, darling." 

"Threaten my marriage like that again and I'll insure your coffin will be a coffee can, you incestuous swine." 

"There's my Undertaker! Okay, see you soon, Darling!" Lau made a little kissy noise for his dearly beloved and hung up, letting his grin slide away like water off... whatever water falls off of. He glanced at his wash, still on the floor, and tossed things onto the line. So what if there might be a crease along the middle where it was draped. Lau didn't care enough to get that aspect of his life in order. Now, what did he still own that was dry and passed as a shirt... Besides Kiku's lame band tank. Hunting around, all he had was a nearly finished coat, but that might be perfect. Sure it didn't have sleeves yet, but the collar was done and even if it didn't have any closures on it, his bare chest was enough for now. He was going to a damn strip club, wearing pants made him ten times more dressed than half the people there. Bonus, he was also wearing underwear. Take that, fake argument that never existed. 

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