~The Acceptance Letter~

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Shraddha sat eagerly at her computer, waiting for the email from the University of Rochester. Her fingers tapped mindlessly on the wooden table as she waited for the email that could come anytime soon. 

She stared out of the window to the sun setting over the driveway of her home. It was the middle of March, and yet there still was snow piled on both sides of the driveway. Shraddha sighed. All she wanted was to get out of this depressing place to a place where the sun wouldn't start setting as early as 4:00 PM. Her dream was to escape from Alaska and go to the "lower 48," the Alaskan term for the rest of the United States.

Her mind wandered over to all the colleges she had applied to. Harvard, Stanford, and Brown had all rejected her without any remorse--she didn't really care either. It was too hard to get into those colleges anyway. She had been accepted into the University of Alaska Fairbanks as soon as she sent the application, but there was no way she would stay in Fairbanks for another 4 years. 

Shraddha checked the time. It was 5:58 PM. Just 2 more minutes until the email came out. 

She leaned back in her chair, closed her eyes, and allowed herself to imagine her lower 48 life if she got into the University of Rochester, her dream college since freshman year. With a $60,000 out of state tuition, there was no way she could even afford to go, even if they offered a decent scholarship. But, then again, a girl can dream.

A sudden ding from the computer interrupted her thoughts. Looking at the notification, it appeared to be from the University of Rochester.

"Ammaa! Paa!!" Shraddha yelled, calling for her parents. 

"Where's my phone? I need to record Shraddu's reaction!" shouted Amma from the other room.

And with that,  Amma, Pa, and Chotu scrambled into the room and took their positions around Shraddha, waiting to see her reaction. 

"I bet $20 that Chechi will be rejected and she'll be crying in 10 minutes," said Chotu, wriggling his eyebrows.

Shraddha smacked his upper arm and gave him her signature death stare.

"Ammaa, Chechi hit meeeee!!" whined Chotu.

"You deserved it," Amma said, laughing.

Shraddha slowly hovered the mouse over the email and pressed open. Her eyes widened as she read the first line of the email. She couldn't contain her squeals of excitement. It had finally happened.   


As she continued reading the email, one line caught her eye and she gasped audibly. 

"I WON THE PRESIDENTIAL SCHOLARSHIP!!" Shraddha yelled, as tears of joy threatened to appear. 

"Geez, you don't have to be so loud. What does that even mean?" asked Chotu, rubbing his ears annoyedly.

Hugging Shraddha tightly with tears in his eyes, Pa replied, "Shraddhu's gotten a full ride scholarship to the University of Rochester, which means her tuition, room, and board will be paid for by the university!"

Amma and Pa rushed out of the room, eager to call family members and spread the good news. Chotu tagged along behind them, wanting to give his Chechi a moment to let the good news sink in.

Hearing her parent's excited chatter, Shraddha smiled. She closed her eyes, sat back in her chair, and let the reality of it all sink in.

She was finally going out of Alaska.

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