~Moving In~

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Shraddha stepped into her dorm. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. Her nose was greeted by the fresh scent of flowers. Curiosity got the best of her and she wandered over to the desks and picked up the flowers. 

"That's from the Freshman Welcoming Committee," an annoyed voice said from behind Shraddha.

Shraddha turned around to see who it was. Her jaw dropped. This girl was drop dead gorgeous. The girl who stood in front of her appeared to be an Indian American like her, except more American than Indian. At first look, she appeared to be a white American- she was that fair! However, it was her Indian features that gave her away as an Indian-American. Her hazel eyes were framed with long lush lashes, and her lips were plump and full. Her black, waist length hair was dyed blonde at the bottom and artfully curled into waves. She was wearing shorts that showed off her long, lean legs and had paired it with a crop top. All in all, this girl was drop dead gorgeous.

"Hi, I'm Esha Kapoor, and I'm assuming you're my roomie Shraahduh Ihyur?" Esha said, saying Shraddha's name with disgust.

Shraddha grimaced at the sound of her name being butchered by a fellow Indian-American.

"Ummm.... yeah, I am Shraddha Iyer," she said, pronouncing her name the way it should be. 

"Cool. I'm from Edison, New Jersey. Where ya from?" asked Esha, waving her hands dismissively. She looked at her phone. 

"I'm from Fairbanks, Alaska," Shraddha said timidly, fidgeting with the pockets of her favorite hoodie. 

Esha looked up from her phone with wide eyes. "NO WAY. Alaska?"

Shraddha braced herself for all the random Alaska questions that would follow that statement.

"OMG how did you get to school? Was it snowing like everyday?"

"I lived in an igloo and went to school on my pet moose and it snows everyday. "

Shraddha rolled her eyes internally and bit back her sarcastic response.

"Actually it doesn't snow every day and I got to school just like you did haha," Shraddha said awkwardly.

An awkward silence followed. Shraddha fidgeted with her hoodie as Esha went back texting on her phone. 

A call interrupted the silence, and Esha said, "Anyway, nice to meet you! I've gotta dash! See ya!!" She grabbed her purse and ran out of the door.

Shraddha walked over to close the door. At the end of the hallway, she saw Esha walk with a group of girls.

"Ha, my roomie?" Esha laughed, "What a loser."

Laugher rang throughout the hall.

"Pshh have you seen her sense of style? NONEXISTENT," she laughed once again.

Shraddha closed the door and sank to the floor. She put her head in her hands and sighed. A tear escaped her eyes, and she hurriedly wiped it away with the sleeve of her hoodie. This was not how she imagined her life in the lower 48 to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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