Chapter One: I Feel Nothing but the Cold

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// Yay, another story that will be considerably shorter than the other Undertale and AU's Fanfiction I have going. I know I need to stop making new stories when I already have one going, however, I can't help it. i was roleplaying with someone on Quotev, and here I am with an outright story idea instead of another chapter idea for the book I have going. Just bare with me, and go along with the race if you can. Don't expect me to update on this too fast though. As always, good and bad feedback are both welcomed and encouraged. Honesty is the best policy after all (supposedly) Have a wonderful day or night ^^

As everyone knows, there was always problems with the world. No matter how peaceful it seemed at times, there was that underlying pain that comes following any of the events that cause trauma or great grief in ones life. In a certain skeletons life, the underlying pain was one of dreaded realization, an undertone of denial, and utter defeat. Such a cruel place the world would be. It would pull him in and out of his tortures, as if he was being spun up and down; all the while twirling. His life was one of a yo-yo. The ups and downs; the failures to come back up after yet another dive to the ground from that ever-twirling string. It never mattered if he wanted to stop, it never mattered if he was tired, it never mattered if he was suffering. His life was one in the cycle of the most agonizingly painful game. Boredom is not a state of being. It is a forced state of mind to those who do not try to entertain themselves.

He heard, from that cursed kid; at one point or another anyway; that they killed the monsters simply because of the fact that they were all so ... bored... just bored. Nothing else. No, they were never truly bored because they had nothing to do. They were bored because they forced themselves to be. If they were ever truly bored to begin with; that is.

Classic Sans, a character of subtle nature, a comedic guy with jokes about as energetic as an air-dried noodle sitting on the counter with last nights spaghetti sauce stains. He lay around all the time, pondering his horrible, if not rather abusive life. All of it was an endless loop. The same old song and dance done with a few less steps every single time the long-ass song was played. A beautiful waltz of knife blades, magic bones, and less of a will to complete the same old steps they had surely been performing over the last few centuries. He was sure it was centuries anyway.

It would be surprising. One might think so anyway. After all, if it had been centuries, one would think of different era's or other time periods that were obviously no longer in existent. In a way, no. He was indeed stuck in a loop himself. There are countless other versions of himself. So that means every time he died, time in that same world continued on. While he regenerated in a version of a world that was just coming into the universe. Playing at the same time, the same events, the same monsters. The human was the only other one who knew of this.

In the end, the attempts at ending all of this madness were useless. If he lost, the world reset. He he won, it still reset. It was a double ended sword that life MADE SURE to stab him with. All he knew, was that he was tired, and didn't care anymore. He still fought with the child. Mainly to humor himself, not with actual jubilant feelings, or a passing amusement. He did it because it was practically a ROUTINE. He did it in the bland wonder of being able to accomplish what has never been accomplished. All the while going on with a bitter resolution.

The only thing holding him together for the longest time was the others he hung out with. The alternate versions of himself . They were him after all, if there were anyone, or any others that knew at least the slightest bit of his pains, it would be the ones he produced in all his years of pain. Even so, they were all busy most the time, and what right did he have to intrude in their lives, where they were able to at least catch breaks, and be happier. They all deserved it, they deserved their happiness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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