chapter 1

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mid-21st century where humanity had lost much of the Earth's landmass due to the rising sea level, caused by global warming. Almost as a response of Nature itself, mysterious battleships that look like reincarnations of WWII vessels start appearing all around the world, always surrounded by fog.

In year 2038, the ships of the so-dubbed "fleet of fog" start to appear frequently, and in the very first battle between these battleships and human naval forces, a good portion of the Russian navy was annihilated. This battle had shown that the "Fleet of fog" possesses weapons far beyond what humans had in their arsenal, and that the "Fog" battleships are surrounded by defensive shields that make any conventional weapons useless against them even nuclear weapons is useless against them.

By the end of the year 2038, the "Fleet of fog" began attacking human navies and soon had driven humanity entirely out of the seas. Since then, the "Fog" took a rather passive role and only maintained naval blockades, occasionally destroying some brave fools that tried to set sails in the open seas.

--- somewhere in the pacific ---

Musashi: is this the right coordinate sister?

Yamato: yes, we're in the right coordinate where the nagara spotted that battleship.

Musashi: hmm, I still don't see anything. Do you pick up anything takao, Maya?

Takao: my radar still hasn't picked up anything

Maya: me to.

Musashi: I'm getting curious about this ship

Yamato: An unknown Battleship suddenly appear, and also we don't know it's hostile or not.

Musashi: don't worry no one is stupid enough to fight all of us at one.

Yamato: huh? My sonar picked up an object in the ocean.

Maya: mine to, it's as big as a battleship

Musashi: that must be what we're looking for.

Takao: it's resurfacing, 300 meter before it reach the surface

Yamato: all ship prepare to engage.

Takao: 100 meter...50 meter.... Contact, contact

Then in front of them a ship appeared from the ocean.

Then in front of them a ship appeared from the ocean

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Maya: it's...

Takao: ...another Yamato class.

The ship is fully resurface ship revealing a large ship dark blue hull with white line

The ship is fully resurface ship revealing a large ship dark blue hull with white line

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