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I run up the stairs, trying to keep as quiet as I can and into my room, rummaging through my closet. I've got to find the sexiest lingerie I own, and at least try to make myself look attractive.

The only racy underwear I own is a black lace bra and panties set. It'll have to do. 

I quickly clasp my bra and pull the panties on, then throw a pair of tight grey sweats on, along with a black spaghetti strap top, pulling it down so my cleavage pops. 

I pull a hoodie on over my head, just so I'm not walking down the street like a hooker, and I won't get cold.

I comb through my hair and add some lipgloss to my lips, plumping them slightly, as well as light blush. I smile as I look in the mirror, then make my way back downstairs.

I pace around the living room, staring at my phone, waiting for him to text me to let me know he's at the convenience store. 

Just the thought of him arouses me. It hasn't even been a full day since I've seen him, but I already crave his touch. The way he makes me feel; emotionally and physically, is addicting.

I bite my nail anxiously, my heart pounding, my stomach flipping as I grow impatient. 

I suddenly feel the vibration in my hand, and see his message pop up on the screen.

Mr. Kim: I'm here.

I swallow hard, almost jumping as I race to the door, closing it behind me and walking down the street.

I can see his car parked on the side, waiting for me, with the subtle silhouette of his body in the drivers seat. I can see his head turning as he watches me draw closer, and my heart races.

I open the door and quickly get in the car, slightly out of breath. 

I turn my head to look at him, and he almost takes my breath away. 

His hair is ruffled messily across his forehead, wearing a black, short sleeved shirt. He's wearing grey sweats again, and I can't get enough of it. I glance down and I admire the way his thighs look, never getting tired of it.

"Hey." He says, catching my attention. 

I shoot my eyes up to look at his face, and he has a knowing smirk on his lips.

"Do you realise how often you stare?" He chuckles, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it." I respond, chuckling nervously. 

"Naughty girl." He whispers, his eyes turning dark. 

He turns his face to look at the road, and turns the key in the ignition, starting the car eagerly. He speeds off down the road, no doubt rushing to get us both to his place quickly. 

I still keep my gazed fixed on him, eyeing every inch of his chiselled body in that seat. I'm starting to flush hot, the air in the car becoming thick.

A sudden burst of confidence overcomes me, and an idea pops in my head. I nibble on my finger and smirk as my eyes drift down to his crotch. I can see the print of his bulge in the sweats, resting on his leg.

He's not hard, but I know I can change that.

I slowly shift in my seat, moving closer to him. I lift my hand and gently rest it on his knee. I feel him twitch, and his head turns to look at me out of my peripheral vision.

"What are you doing?" He asks, his tone dominant.

I ignore him and slowly trail my fingers farther up his leg, reaching his thigh. I can see him fidgeting in his seat, letting out a breath.

He grips harder on the steering wheel as I inch closer to the bulge in his pants, teasing him agonisingly slow.

"I'm warning you." He says through gritted teeth, almost panting.

I bite my lip as I watch how his growing erection twitches under the sweats, and I lightly run my fingers along his length, feeling it harden at my touch. 

I let out a breath, my own arousal pumping, my eyes becoming heavy with lust.

I press down harder and begin to palm him through the fabric, and he becomes rock hard within seconds. I can feel him throbbing beneath my fingers, desperate to be let free. 

He shakes his head and lets out a dark chuckle breathlessly.

"You're gonna regret this." He mutters, trying to hold back his groans. 

I continue to ignore his warnings, and hook my fingers into the waistband of his pants, pulling them and snapping them back, teasing him.

I dip my hand into them, and pull his erect cock out, freeing it from the confinements of his clothing. I wrap my fingers around the shaft, and begin to pump him slowly, leaning closer and closer.

He lets out a lowly moan, clenching his jaw and tensing his thighs.

He's red hot at my touch, his swollen tip already leaking precum. I lick my lips, wanting to taste it. I'm overcome with searing lust, unable to control myself.  

I lean forward and wrap my lips around his tip, running my tongue over the slit, tasting the saltiness from the precum.

He hisses and jolts in his seat, groaning deeply, his voice gruff and husky.

"Fuck." He curses under his breath, his cock twitching in my mouth.

I roll my tongue along the shaft, pushing my head down further onto him, hollowing my cheeks and sucking at the same time. 

I moan on his cock, sending vibrations to increase the pleasure, wanting to feel him melt at my touch. 

He slams his hand against the steering wheel, moaning repeatedly. He takes one hand and grips my hair, tugging on it roughly. 

I feel the car swerve slightly as he loses concentration on driving. He continues to groan breathlessly, knotting my hair as he wraps his fist around it, pushing me down further onto him.

I take him whole and close my eyes, feeling him enter my throat. I focus on breathing through my nose, and swallow around him, moaning afterwards to continue heightening his pleasure.

He frees my hair from his grip and lets out a loud grunt, breathing heavily. I pull back and let out a gasp of air, saliva dripping down my chin. I grip him at the base again and slap his cock on my tongue, teasing him mercilessly.

"Wait until we get home." He whispers threateningly, exhaling through his nose.

I smirk and surprise him by suddenly taking him back in my mouth, and pushing him immediately down my throat. 

I bob my head, swallowing repeatedly as I try to edge him closer. He groans loudly, gasping and I feel his warm cum shoot down my throat. He presses his hand against my head, riding out his high until he loosens the pressure.

He pants exhaustively, and I pull him out of my mouth, putting his cock back in his pants. I lean back in my seat and swallow the remaining cum in my mouth, wiping my lips. I can't hide the smirk on my face, feeling a sense of power.

"You satisfied with yourself?" He asks breathlessly.

"Very." I tease.

He turns his head and stares at me, his expression dark.

"You have no idea what you've just gotten yourself into."

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