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Taehyung and I sit at a table in the schools cafeteria. I sit opposite him, absent minded, playing with my food on the tray.

"Mr. Kim seems to have taken an interest in you." He mumbles, his mouth full of food.

"What?" I respond, looking up in surprise.

"He's asked you to stay behind in every class, he calls you out a lot too." He retorts, slurping on his noodles.

"I guess. I don't know why, I feel like I'm always doing something wrong." I mutter, resting my chin in my hand.

"I think it's the opposite. I think he's impressed by you." He says, chuckling.

I stare at him dumbfounded, how could he possibly think the constant intimidation is a sign that he's impressed?

"I don't think so. He works me like a dog." I scoff, dropping the chopsticks on the tray.

"Think about it, he's a hardass. He's scary, intimidating, strict... I think he likes you, he's never been this invested in a student before."

He's crazy, there's no way. I get the impression he dislikes me, that he feels I'm wasting mine and his time. He's probably trying to drive me out of the class. But, unbeknownst to him, I don't give up that easy.

"Why did he ask you to stay behind?" He asks, his eyes locking with mine as he looks up from his tray.

"He wants me to meet him in his office after school." I mumble, tearing my eyes away from his gaze.

"That's rare. Why?" 

"It's... actually the second time. He asked me yesterday too." I sigh.

"Are you serious?" 

"Yes, why?" I tilt my head, squinting my eyes in confusion.

"He's definitely taken a shine to you. Observe his body language in the meeting today, you'll see for yourself." He smirks, continuing to eat his food.

I shake my head and chuckle, flicking a grain of rice at him. He looks up, his eyes wide and his lips pouted. He laughs cutely and throws a grain of rice back.

For the rest of the free period, Taehyung and I discussed our favorite novels, authors and quotes; discovering we actually have quite a lot in common. He's like a breath of fresh air, and I feel content when I'm with him. 

I was worried I'd breeze through this year lonely, having nobody to talk to, that I wouldn't find anybody I could relate to or have anything in common with. But right here, this sweet boy directly opposite me proves I was wrong. I've made a friend.

Taehyung and I say our goodbyes as we head to our next class. Unfortunately we only share the literature class, but we have agreed to meet up during every free period and lunch. 

I walk down the hallway, a smile on my face as I look down at the floor, watching my feet. I quickly grab some textbooks from my locker for my next class, history. After closing the locker, I turn around, and a tall boy stands in front of me, invading my personal space.

I jump in surprise, staring at him. He has a smirk on his face, and he begins to walks closer. I instinctively back up until I hit the lockers, unable to back away anymore. He closes the gap, his body uncomfortably close to mine.

"Where are you from, foreigner?" He asks me, his voice gruff. 

His warm breath hits my skin, and I can smell the cigarette smoke escaping his mouth. I scrunch my face up automatically, trying not to gag.

"A-America." I stutter, trying to hold my breath.

He lifts his hand, wrapping a strand of my hair around his finger, twirling it. I turn my head, flinching.

"Why are you here?" He whispers, his lips grazing over my ear.

My heart is accelerating, beating violently against my rib cage. I can hear the rhythmic pumps in my ears, filling my head.

"I moved here last week." I whimper breathlessly, panic and fear taking over me.

He moves his free hand, and begins to trail his fingers down the skin of my upper arm. The hairs on my body stand, a horrifying tingle rushing through me.

"You look exotic. You're dark." He chuckles, backing away from my ear. His eyes trail my body up and down, eyeing me like he's hungry.

I don't say anything, I'm trying to hold back my tears. The hallways are empty, it's only us here, nobody to witness or stop him. Every imaginable scenario is running through my head right now, everything awful that he could possibly do to me. 

"Please..." I beg, but he only laughs. 

"You don't belong here, black girl." He hisses, his brows knitting, his eyes turning dark.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I hear someone yell. The voice sounds assertive and deep.

He quickly backs away, and I turn my head to the voice. A boy with silver hair approaches us from the other side of the hallway, his expression that of pure anger and disgust. His sleeves are rolled up, and I notice he has tattoos on his arms.

"Just saying hi to the new girl." He sneers, smirking as he looks back at me.

"By sexually assaulting her?" He responds, now standing next to the tall boy. 

The tattooed boy is small compared to him, but somehow he seems a lot more terrifying. The tall boy seems surprisingly submissive in his presence.

"Apologize to her." He demands, moving closer to his face.

"Or what?" The tall boy scoffs, crossing his arms.

"Or I'll break your fucking legs." He spits, clenching his fists. 

They stare at each other for a few seconds, before the tall boy backs down. He uncrosses his arms and turns to me.

"I'm sorry." He mutters reluctantly, avoiding my eyes. 

I stare at him with tears in my eyes. I swallow and let out a breath as I watch him walk away, disappearing into one of the classrooms.

"Are you okay?" The tattooed boy asks me, his eyes soft and full of sympathy.

"Yes, thank you." I say, my voice hitching at the back of my throat. 

"I'm sorry about him. He shouldn't bother you from now on." He reassures me. I bite the inside of my cheek, trying to calm my breathing.

"What's your name?" He asks, moving to lean against the lockers beside me. I turn my head and look at him, inching away slightly.

"Willow." I mumble.

"I'm Min Yoongi. Despite how I look, I won't hurt you. I promise." He chuckles, placing his hands in his pockets. 

I smile at him nervously and nod. The atmosphere is a little awkward. He inhales deeply, pushing himself off the lockers.

"What's your next class?" He asks.


"Oh, what a coincidence. So's mine. I can walk you there." He offers, a warm smile on his face.

I push myself off the lockers and return his smile.

"Thank you." I nod.

History class went by quickly. Yoongi was attentive, and he stayed by my side for practically the entire duration of the lesson. I think he feels some kind of guilt, being that the tall boy is a friend of his. 

The rest of the day went by relatively smoothly also. Taehyung and I met for lunch, but I kept what happened to myself. We're friends, but I still don't know him that well enough to spill my problems. I'm still awkward when it comes to socialising.

Before I knew it, school had come to an end, and it was time to meet Mr. Kim in his office again. I remembered what Taehyung told me, and I kept it in mind to observe his body language. 

I still don't know what to expect from this meeting, but I hope he's in a good mood.

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