Just a normal day

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Days passed and I'm sitting in class listening to Mr Sheeran, We are alond to call him by his first name ..which is Ed

He's talking about the Essay that's due I like English and all but why so early in the morning. I come out of thought when I hear my name

"Mr Horan"

"Mr Horan!"

"Oh yes sorry sir"

"Go to the office"

"B-but why"

"Because They called for you"

"Oh..." I thought I was in trouble I never get in trouble especially in this class. So I grab my books and my bag, I head to the door, you can hear all my classmates laughing

"Mr Horan"

"Yes Ed?"

"See me after class so I can give you your homework, Okay"

I leave the class and head to the office.

Never Thought I'd be here sitting in the waiting room ..

I look over and see the 'The boy with curly hair' sitting right next to me. Am I dreaming? This can't be real .. Oh I'm gonna die,

"Do you have a pencil?

Is he talking to me? ...Of course Niall you idiot..

"You're so dreamy"


"Did I say that out loud?"


Way to go Niall

"Did you say something"

"Yeah...I asked if you had a pencil"



"I mean yes, Yes I do"

Niall stop be weird

I unzipped my school bag and looked through it, Yes I Found one. Maybe its not that bad after all

"Here you go"

Another boy comes out of the office walks towards the doors, He looks pale, he looks likes he's going to....


I spoke to soon..

"Oh my gosh I'm gonna throw up"

"Do you still want the pencil?" Of course he doesn't...It has grossness all over it.

"Ah look at that I have one, so I'm good now, thanks" his voice is so deep. I put hand out without thinking, 'the boy with curly hair' looks down at my hand, he doesn't shake it I also look down and saw left over bits of corn on my hand, I quickly take my hand back to my side

"I'm so sorry, I'm going to get cleaned up" I was about to leave the room when I heard something, a voice but it was to quiet for me to hear, I wanted to stay just another second longer but i needed to be clean.

It smells, I'm walking to the bathroom everyone is eyeing me, again laughing, pointing, pinching their noses...I would do that too What are the odds of food crap on me again in the same week. I finally get to the restroom, I push the bathroom door open with my back.

I'm cleaned up I rush back thankfully everyone in the halls left, I open the office doors and...He's gone and I still don't even know his name, will I ever? Are we even going to speak to each other again?

I fell in love with a beautiful boy *Narry* *Ziam*Where stories live. Discover now