Ch. 11 The Hooded Girl

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*Maria's POV*

We were all talking and messing around we all laughed so hard at eachothers jokes. We hear a knock at the door. The doctor said someone else came to see me and if I wanted them to come in. I looked shocked and confused. Everyone else was silent and looking at me. I took a deep breathe.
"Please." I replied. Everyone turned to look at the door and a hooded figure came in. It was wearing almost a black mask on their face.
"What the hell do you want" bluterd Colby standing up. The hooded mask took off their hoodie and the mask.
"Please don't tell Jayla I came and I know who is the second person who hates you" begged Jayla's brother. I was shocked and I could see that some of the squads jaws drop. He looked at me and he looked very upset.
"What's your name" I asked
"Joseph" he replied
"Ok who is the person." Asked Jake
"Its Jayla's best friend. All I know about her is when Jayla told me you used to bully her in 4th, 5th, and 6th." Replied Joseph. I could feel I started to cry I know who he was talking about. Everyone looked at me very shocked. They didnt know me until we met in 7th. Just a year after I bullied this girl. Everyone looked at me and I was crying. I look up at Joseph.
"Thanks but now please get out. Also all of you in the squad and even you Colby." I say covering my face with the blanket.
"But-" I cut colby off and I yelled
"NOW!!" Everyone got their stuff and headed out. I was crying so hard. Her name was Alex. I would bully her for her weight, her looks, how she smelled and how she acted. I was ashamed of myself.

*Back in time to 4th - 6th Grade*

I had just moved to this school and everyone was friendly. This girl named Alex was the first to come up to me. She would always follow me and I started to like her as a good friend. One day I had gone to the bathroom and I had cried. She was coming out of a stall and knocked on mine. She asked me why I was crying and I told her. The next day I found out she told the whole class. I was so mad. I bullied her the rest of 4th grade then in 5th grade I was really popular. I kept bullying her and calling her names. In 6th grade I was coming out of the bathroom and I was trying to cover my arm because I had cut myself. She saw and she told a girl. Then the word got around. I started to hit her and kick her becuase of what she had done. Every day.

*Current Time*

I looked at the ceiling and the lights were very bright. I kept looking at them and then I fell asleep. I was woken up by a knock on the door.
"Leave me alone" I yelled. The doorknob started to turn and I saw Alex coming in. I quickly sat up and I knew the squad was sitting in the chairs by my door. I started to yell 'Help Me!' I saw Colby and everyone else rush in. MaryJane looked at Alex's pocket and she saw a pocket knife she tackled her to the floor and told me to call security. I called security and they took her out.
"Why did you want me to call it." I asked. She ignored me and walked out the room following security. Jake followed MaryJane. Colby goes to me and kisses my head. Jake and MaryJane came back. Jake looked very shocked, mad and sad at the same time.
"She cannot see you anymore." Said MaryJane.
"Why." asked Brennen.
"I saw her pocket and I saw a pocket knife sticking out her pocket. I knew she was going to hurt Maria so that's why I tackled her and told her to call security." She replied. Everyone's jaw dropped except MaryJane's and Jake's.
"You should get a restraining order against her." Suggested Aaron.
"Ok, go get one of the police officers so I can talk to them." I ordered
Brennen went to go get an officer he entered the room and asked everyone to leave. Before Colby left he gave me a kiss. The officer asked me what was going on and I told him everything that happened since I was young till the photo and the chandelier. He gave me a paper to sign and it was for the restraining order. He said he was also going to have to arrest her but they would have to investigate the chandelier. He left the room and everyone else came in. They didn't touch the subject and they just started messing around.

It was really dark and everyone had gone home besides Colby. He had his head laid next to my waist and he was asleep. I was crying because I thought of everything my friends had done for me and how I wasn't going to see them ever again. A few days later they let me out the hospital. We went to Colby's place and I stayed there. The next day I was going to school. I woke up and got ready. Colby drove me to school and we were just laughing at eachother in the car. When we got to school the squad was waiting for me in the entrance.
"Before we go in, I have to ask you guys something very important." I commented. Everyone looked at me and froze.
I look at everyone and they were confused.
"The night before at the hospital I was thinking and I... well you guys know how I'm moving to California in 1 month I wanted to ask if..." I stopped.

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