Chapter two: why was he here

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I got to my home room and I enter

" Well look what the wind blew in" miss Layla joked her jokes were lane at time but I didn't mind at least she wasn't mean.

"Sorry miss I was stuck in traffic"I said trying to actually look the part.

"Well for that you just earned your self a new job.

"Your going to show Chris around to his classrooms because he is new here."


"Thanks your a sweet heart you can grab a seat next to him over there" she pointed in the right side I looked and he waved at me I smiled at him cause it was kind of awkward.

I went to him and put my books on the table.

"Awhhkk look who I'm stuck with for the rest of the day" I said as a joke as he laughed

"You love spending time with me" he said Laughing

Miss Layla called Chris name.

"Yes miss"

"Your new locker is 906 right next door to Sarah's" seriously more time with Him.

"Ummm miss where is Sarah's looker". He said looking confused.

"She will show you later ok."


We were sitting next to each other awkwardly until he asked for a pencil and I gave him one.

"Oi want to come with me at lunch" I said trying to start a conversation.


"For a drive to my house because I forgot my laptop and I need it for class six you don't have too but it will be nice to have some company."

"Yea that's cool only if we go for Ice cream!" He said giving me a cute look.

"Okay and by the way you can meet my best friend Jeff he's really cool. I said smiling at him.

"Ok" he's so nice.

A few minutes later the bell rang and I walk out with Chris and josh was outside.

He pulled me aside "uhh Sarah can I talk to you"

I look over to Chris "Chris can u give us a second."


"Sarah I heard you where hanging out with Chris" why the hell does he care.

"Yea I am why do u care"he froze for a second.

"Sarah you deserve better then him I know him better he's done things"

"Things like what." I say giving him dirties using my eyes.

"I can't tell you but they are bad.. look I have known you for 7 years of my life since year 5 and he's bad"

"LOOK!! who do you think you are saying stuff about people you don't even know, GOD!! We are just friend and why do u care go shove your tongue in another girls mouth why don't you oh wait that's because you have already done that to every girl and now that I'm the only one you haven't your trying to persuade me into shitt!!"

I was so mad and what's even more wierd he has never talk to me before besides today.

"Relax Sarah I was just warning you" he says looking abit sad.

"Look I know I'm sorry but I can take care of my self we can be friends if you want." I say as a smile formed on his face.

"Yea that's cool"

"Ok so I'll see you later got to got to class"

I turn around to see Chris in the corner bored out of his life.

I call him over "Chris"

He walked to me "what room are we in" he asks

"Uhh room 3 we have English"

We where walking to room three

"So who was that guy? was he your boyfriend?"

"Uhh no that's josh I refer to him as a school player but now we are friends so refer to him as josh."

"Ok... Sarah you doing anything tonight"

"Uhhhh no why?"

"Well because I want to ask a huge favour from you."

"What is it" I said looking at him.

"Well I was invited to this party tonight and it's my first party from someone in this school and I didn't want to show up alone so can you come with me."

"On one condition"

"Anything what is it"

"You have to come shopping with me after school because I have nothing to wear for the party." I really have nothing no joke.

"Ok anything for you" he said in a joking way.

"And then we can go back to my house and get ready" I added

"Yea cool but I need to get my shirt and shorts from my house before we go."

"Ok so we have a deal" he smiled at me and fist pumped me.

Then he said "it's quite wired isn't it"

"What's wired I said" staring at him.

"It's our first day and we are like already good friends"

Now that I think of it he is right.

"Well don't ruin it" I said looking at him" we entered room three and sat down.

We had to write and essay about Shakespeare and his plays thankfully I'm really good at essays but it didn't look like Chris was cause his paper was still blank.

I sent him a note, even though we were sitting next to each other but because it's really quite everyone would hear us. I said "why aren't you writing?"he wrote "I'm bad with essays :("

I replied "you need help?"

He wrote "na I'm just going to leave it blank" I gave him a look he started laughing and I wrote "your loss ;)"

And we went back to writing.


It was recess so we were heading to our lockers. I showed him his locker and we put our stuff and headed to the cafeteria.

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