9: Lost and Found

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Art: pastarru

Quick recap of last
chapter, and where we left off
with our boi Sans:

    After a short wait outside the tall, looming, purple building, with a sign on the front they could only partially read, the duo set back out to find more adventure! Or, in reality, they just went to the store. Which was just as fun, to Frisk.
    They had only been left alone briefly while Sans had set off to find a cart to push around the small market. But, when he came back... nothing.

    'This kid is going to get us both dusted.'

Now on with the chapter!


    He honestly wasn't even mad at first. Really, he wasn't. Something was going to happen, he knew that. He had killer intuition when it came to this shit. It might as well have been this. But the more he scanned the area for any signs of the small human, the more he panicked. The more he panicked, the more he started to forget just how openly distraught he was being in a public area, and he quickly fumbled over himself as he noticed other monsters staring.

    He just needed to think. He wasn't going to find the damn escape artist just standing in one place and freaking out, there were steps he could take. Steps he should take. Steps he didn't take at all, because he was too busy freaking out.
    The kid couldn't have gone far. Right?

    This was bad. Really bad. He knew it, and surely they knew it too... right? They were a human in a monster world. A human, alone in a monster world... a human child. Surely they understood that, too. It was almost like they were doing this on purpose. Did they know the things he knows? The things he thought were just dreams. Nightmares. But if they were, would he even be considering that they were anything else? Maybe he just needed to listen to his gut for once.
    Oh wait. I don't have one, heh.
There were quite a lot of monsters in the Capital city today. More so than usual. Purple and white flyers littered the concrete, reminding him that Muffet was having another one of her dumb, repetitive demos somewhere in the square. Probably why the crowds were thicker than usual. Yet another reason to add to his mental list of "Why Sans hates Muffet."

    Reason #286: This.

    It was the same exact speech every time. She didn't even bother to change it up a little for each one, oh no. It was the exact same bullshit she told to each and every crowd she had. And it wasn't even new monsters! It was the same crowd, of the same monsters, and they all acted as if it were her first! There wasn't enough of a population left for a new crowd every day. Just the same twenty minute speech, to the same damn crowd of monsters.
    Moreover, these bi-daily events only seemed to annoy him. Sans had been to mulitple. Unfortunately, the only way to even have a chance of getting in on her "limited time offers" is if one were to stand through the entire thing. They'd also have to fight their way to the front in enough time before the stock was depleted, and then hope they could keep a grip on whatever it was they were holding. For sick monsters, they turned a whole new level of vicious when it came to those stupid purple boxes. But that wasn't important. Right now he had the kid to find, and he could finally go home and help his bro. No doubt he was hungry by now. Did Sans leave enough food for him? What if he tried to get up again? What if he fell? Sans knew all too well that Papyrus wouldn't have the strength to get back up again. He'd simply lay there, alone, and hurting... waiting for him to come home and see him. Assuming he didn't die before then...

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