The new student

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Changbin P.O.V

I woke up to the sounds of shouting downstairs. I sighed deeply, rubbing my face with my hands. Quickly discarding the blanket that brought me warmth. Slightly hissing when my feet hit the cold floor. I hauled my body out of bed, letting out a quiet yawn, reaching my hand up absentmindedly to cover my mouth as it opened crudely. My hand then trailing to my eyes, rubbing away the sleep that clung desperately to my eye lashes. Before carding them through my raven locks of hair. I trudged tiredly to the bathroom doing my morning routine which included brushing my teeth and washing my face. I decided that today I wouldn't bother with doing anything to my hair and so left it a little messy. I quickly threw on my new school uniform before exiting my room.

I made my way slowly down the stairs, the shouts becoming clearer but I chose to ignore them. I walked into the kitchen silently and started boiling the kettle whilst shoving some bread into the toaster. Suddenly the front door slammed causing me to jump slightly, relaxing almost immediately though as my father appeared infront of me. He smiled slightly but I could see the pain he held in his eyes. My heart broke as I saw the prominent bruise on his left cheek. Without thinking I rushed to his side crushing him in a hug. He stayed limp in my hold before finally wrapping his arms around my small body. His fingers combing my hair softly. He sighed before softly speaking 'Don't worry son, I'll be okay. Just get to school safely yeah?' I nodded my head against his shoulder before reluctantly peeling myself away from him and making my way back into the kitchen making myself a coffee in a take away cup and buttering toast for both me and my father. I shoved my toast into my mouth, chewing fast, washing down the pieces that got stuck in my throat with my coffee. I quickly grabbed my school bag, shoved my shoes on my feet and gave my father a quick kiss on the cheek before exiting my house.

The wind outside mercilessly whipped my face but I paid no mind to it. My pace quickened when I looked at my watch, noticing I didn't have long before first period started. I finally reached my new school and headed straight to the front office, getting my schedule and being escorted to my first class. I sighed slumping down in my chair unnoticed so I didn't need to introduce myself to the whole class. I hated being the center of attention, so I was grateful that no one really noticed me. During the lesson I noticed two boys who seemed extremely close. They were touchy and loud but I found them cute. I smiled slightly when the teacher noticed them giving them a disapproving look for their behaviour.

Wow it's been a long time since I updated aha. I thought I'd publish this little chapter for now and hopefully publish a better one tomorrow. I hope you all have been well :)

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