Chapter 24

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Fan Fiction - Picture Perfect Chapter Twenty Four


'According to our source the two were at the police station for very personal reasons from the Australian girl's side and she assures no handcuffs were used- or at least official handcuffs. "The two are madly in love," the source says. So girls, is it Zelle or Ellayn?'

The source. Nothing else. The only thing I was to question was the source. And only one person came to mind.

Amberley. Amberley Murphy.


It wasn't rage or hatred. Just a strong heat rush through me almost enough to burn the aluminium between my fingers.

I slam shut the laptop, almost feeling the inside rumble and shatter. Things couldn't get worse. This was already far beyond the most terrorizing things to happen to an 18 year old. I bit my tongue and exhaled slowly. No crying or screaming could solve this, besides I had given up.

I tried to think of solutions. Revenge? I tried to steer myself from thinking of what could possibly happen next. Suicide? I tried to not dread of every choice I had made since getting my acceptation letter. I tried. I really did.

My phone erratically buzzed sending palpitations through the glass of the table. My screen flashed just like those daunting words only moments ago. A small icon glowed in the corner and an unread message pleaded me to overt its content.

'I know it might be the wrong time but the constable has the suspects lined up for you...x'

It was the wrong time. The most impractical and irrational time. I sighed once more. My phone buzzed again.

'I can come with you if you want? Xx'

I didn't want. I don't want anything. I just wanted to disappear into the thin air and leave everything behind. That's all I wanted.

My phone buzzed again. At this point I was ready to through the pathetic thing out the window.

'I know this is tough but we can actually sort things out with this bastard out of the way. x'

"Sort things out?" I spoke out aloud to myself.

'Yes. Things can be sorted. Exactly how you want it.'

I stood up immediately with no hesitation in my instinct and swung open the door.

Zayn stood there foolishly standing, smiling as if this were remotely funny. He noticed my stunted face and quickly revered to his seriousness, if that was what he considered it to be.

"We really should get that cunt jailed," he mentioned lightly as if the purpose of his whereabouts were defined for another reason.

"How do you suppose that would happen?" I rhetorically asked back as Zayn quizzically stared as though question could not be easier to ask.

I pulled him by the arm across the dark stale living room. Practically life-less if I could say so myself.

I nodded my head to the direction of the crimson red suede shutters.

He looked at me again in confusion.

"Open the shutters, take a look," I almost evilly requested.

Zayn stuttered at his actions but slowly drew back the thick sun blocking dropes before quickly being blinded by the masquerade of flashing lights and deafened by the piercing sound of short exposure lenses.

"OH SHIT," he gasped, "all this really?"

"They know."

"I know they know."

Picture perfect ~Zaynmalik (completed)Where stories live. Discover now