Little Kitty

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Kaito picked up the little yellow feline and began to walk home with it. "Your quite small aren't you?" He said teasingly, the kit hissed and batted the air. "I won't call you small then......what will I call you? Yellow, yah...that works."

At that moment Rin came running down the street and stopped.

"KAITO, I ACCIDENTALLY-AND LEN-AND THEN-" she cut herself off and started eyeing the cat. Rin then darted in the opposite direction yelling " Hehehe....NEVERMIND...."

Kaito soon arrived home, Meiko opened the door.

"What's with the runty kit?" She asked ,once again the cat got upset.

"I found it, I'm going to take care of it....."

Meiko shot him a suspicious glare then walked away.

Kaito walked down the hall to his room, it was painted all different shades of blue with little specks of green. He sat down on his bed and began petting " Yellow" the cat.

As he petted the kit it sprawled out and began to purr.

"Remember Yellow, I'll always be here to love you....if only I could say that to Len......"

-to be continued-

A/n: Sorry I've been a little lazy posting this, but be patient....

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