Trouble with Potter 😡

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Outside, Voldemort's army laid in wait as their numbers were gathered, as the night was pitch dark as they looked down at the school and Bellatrix was on the edge next to Voldemort, but she had worry in her eyes as she looked to the school, hoping Worth was alright, with her nephew.

Voldemort chuckled. "They never learn. Such a pity." Voldemort said to that as he watched the school as they got prepared.

"But, my lord shouldn't we wait?" Pius asked but bowed his head when Voldemort looked to him.

"Begin." Voldemort said but Bellatrix hesitated but did as told, and all the Deatheaters let of a volume of lights as they sent spells towards Hogwarts as the spells collided with the shield with bangs as they exploded but the spells didn't affect the shield as they continued the slaughter.


I was in the castle as my ears twitched as I was anxious as I had no shoes on as I went due to it made me see the castle clearly as I went for the diadem.

As I did that, students were ducking for safety in fright and I shook my head as I whispered to the students on where to go, to be safe. It seemed not everyone has escaped the castle in time.


Up in the tower, Kingsley Shacklebolt was there to prepare with the others as Dean was following them. "Tell Professor McGonagall, Remus and I can handle this side of the castle." Kingsley said and he walk with Remus following them but suddenly Kingsley and Remus stare up at the spells attacking the shields.

"Hey, Dean, on second thoughts, tell Professor McGonagall we might need one or two more wands this side." Kingsley said as he looked out and Remus looked as well as Arthur, Fred and George come.

"It is the quality of ones convictions that determines success not the number of followers." Remus said to Kingsley as he looked.

"Who said that?" Kingsley asked him and looked to Remus.

"Me." Remus said to that one.


Outside on the tower, Fred and George were standing together nervously as they waited for the fight to commence, as worry ran through them.

"You okay, Freddie?" George asked with concern to his brother.

"Yeah." Fred said to him.

"Me too." George elbowed him slightly.

"I just hope the others are fine though. Worth, Hermione, Neville, Luna and Draco with Cedric." Fred said and George nodded to that one as they looked to the skies with anxiousness.


At the entrance of the Chamber of Secrets, Draco and Hermione were at the iron door that led into the main chamber as Draco focused, when he suddenly spoke, he spoke pastletongue to the door as the snakes started to move.

The snake on the outer rim came around the iron doors as the other snakes went inwards. "Worth talks in her sleep. Have you noticed?" Draco informed Hermione as he noticed Worth speaking in her sleep sometimes and so he tried to copy the snake language.

"No, of course not." Hermione said to him even though she has noticed, but sometimes they were scary to even think about.

The door suddenly opened to the Chamber of Secrets and they both entered.


Outside on the other hand, the Quidditch Pitch that once stood proudly, was now in flames as it came crumbling to the ground and the shield was still be hitting by the spells, from the Deatheaters.

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