Worthless is dead!

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In the Forbidden Forest, Voldemort opened his eyes as Bellatrix had a tear down her cheek as she looked horrified as she showed her face to no one as she felt her heart break and sorrow conceal her as Narcissa and Lucius had hidden sorrow, within their eyes.

Someone helped Voldemort up as Bellatrix isn't as anger grew within her eyes as she looked to Worth's body and then to Voldemort. She will have her revenge.

Voldemort sees Worthless lying motionless as Narcissa Malfoy strides to Worthless's body side as Bellatrix stares. Narcissa glances back and then leans down over Worthless. Narcissa checks for a pulse but found none as her heart stopped with dread.

Narcissa felt nothing as she waited as Hagrid watched keenly and Narcissa stands as she turned. "Dead." Narcissa said with a solemn expression as Bellatrix was crushed as tears came but she hid. Them as she glared to Voldemort with anger. She will not let Worth's sacrifice be in vein as they then left towards the castle.


At Hogwarts, Neville staggers over the rubble and picks up the sorting hat. He dusts it off and holds it upside down and a glimmer of light reflects on his face. He looks up to see in the distance as slow procession of people headed for the school. Neville limps forward and then Luna comes out looking, wondering what was going on as she worried about Worth.

Hagrid though was cradling Worth's limp body as he was solemn as he was tethered to a Deatheater. Hagrid was near front as Voldemort moves a Giants body and knocks it off the bridge sending it down below. Voldemort walked ahead of the group, due to behind him was a large army of Deatheaters trooping behind them. Students and staff begin to come out with three cloak figures with two black and silver robe. Nicolas Flamel and Perenella Flamel was at the side of Minerva. At the front was Neville, Luna, Draco, Hermione, Fred and George with Cedric as Nagini slithers at the side of Voldemort.

"Who is that Hagrids carrying?" Hermione asked pale as she watched Hagrid as Draco held her. "Draco, who is it?" Hermione asked, hoping that it wasn't who she thought it was.

"Worthless is dead!" Voldemort called and one of the figures in the cloak was horrified as the other two were as well.

"No! No!" Hermione shouted but Draco pulled her back as everyone else was held struggling to get Voldemort.

"Silence!" Voldemort demanded. "Stupid girl." Voldemort commented as he casted a spell towards them as they missed it. "Worthless the unknown daughter is dead. The real one who defeated me the last time! The forgotten one amongst you all and your true chosen one. The daughter who's father didn't even know she existed." Voldemort said and that sent everyone in the crowd of students and teachers into shock. That couldn't be?

Minerva was horrified as he said this...Worthless was the one that Voldemort was after all this time? She was the one that vanquished him the first time on Halloween? How did they not know? Minerva knew that Worthless has had a hard time in Hogwarts...she noticed now that everyone was around Potter...whilst Worthless was in the dark as Minerva's heart broke.

"From this day forth, you put your faith in me." Voldemort said to them and many wouldn't ever follow him as Aaron was there with anger as his fangs showed.

Minerva was horrified as was most of the staff as more students came out. Voldemort turns to his Deatheaters. "The unknown daughter of Albus Dumbledore is dead!" Voldemort shouted with glee as he turned to his Deatheaters.

Minerva was shocked as the Deatheaters laughed as she wondered how that could be? How can Worthless be Albus's daughter? As questions ran through her mind, so did it with many as Bellatrix, Lucius and Narcissa didn't laugh as they glared to him.

"And now the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us. Or die." Voldemort said as Hermione, Draco, Neville, Luna, Fred, George and Cedric glared with anger. They'd never join him!

Poppy was in tears as Pomona Sprout, Filch and Slughorn looked solemn. No one makes a move but Lucius looks to Draco. "Draco." Lucius called but Draco shook his head no. He wanted to fight this out to the very end...Worth did and now she was dead because she thought it was her duty to die for them.

"I'd rather die fighting." Draco said as everyone looked to him and Narcissa sighed and Lucius looked to Bellatrix but she was smiling softly with knowing why he would choose that, as she would do the same.

Voldemort was in rage at that answer. Neville then limps forward with rage as he did. "Well, I must say I'd hope for better." Voldemort said but everyone just looked to Voldemort. "And who might you be, young men?" He asked.

"Neville Longbottom." Neville said to him with determination as anger boiled deeply within him.

"Well, Neville, I'm sure we can find a place for you in our ranks." Voldemort said but Neville looked to him determined.

"I'd like to say something." Neville said to him in a hard tone to his voice.

Voldemorts face twitches as if ready to attack him but Neville was ready for it if he did. "Well, Neville, I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say." Voldemort said to Neville.

"It doesn't matter that Worthless is gone." Neville started as everyone needed inspiration to continue fighting. Fighting for Worth and their freedom just like Worth fought for them.

"Stand down Neville." Fred whispered to him, knowing it was no good.

"People die everyday, Fred. Family. Friends. Yeah. We lost Worthless tonight. But she's still with us, in here. So's Dumbledore, Snape, Moody and the others who died in the war." Neville said and looked to everyone. "They didn't die in vein. Worthless made sure that we didn't die last night." Neville informed and Neville stares defiantly. "But you will." Neville continued. "Because you're wrong. Worthless's heart did beat for us. For all of us. This is not over!" Neville shouted and drew Gryffindor's sword from a hat.

Suddenly I dropped from Hagrid's arms after my shock on what Voldemort said about Dumbledore being my father and all the Deatheaters and Voldemort looked in shock at the turn of the events, as I blinked confused as I could see and I suddenly smirked as I looked to Nagini.

"Confringo!" I shouted and then Voldemort reflected it and I ran like hell as Bellatrix then bolted it after Worth, joining her side making Voldemort shocked as Narcissa and Lucius ran towards the castle turning, and casting spells at the shocked Deatheaters.

I however ran next to Kingsley with Bellatrix as Kingsley shielded the front door as the students ran. This was so weird seeing twitch my own eyes but how? How is it that I could see again? I just didn't know.

"Well, your never doing that again." Bellatrix said and looked to Worth with a bit of anger as all the students and teachers were shocked as Bellatrix didn't care right now, she was angry at Worth as Deatheaters started to flee.

"Bella, it's not over yet, so run and fight, I'll lure him into the castle. We have to kill the snake." I informed Kingsley as I knew we needed too. Then it was him and I can't wait for this to end. But my mind was shocked that Dumbledore could be my father!

"Worth!" Bellatrix shouted and grabbed her. "Can you see?" Bellatrix asked and I smirked to her and nodded and with that I ran, to lead Voldemort after me.

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