Chapter two

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This is boring, so sorry guys.

The next morning Stiles woke up, stretched, then got up to get out a clean shirt, a pair of pants, and boxers from his dresser. He then headed to his bathroom to take a shower before he went to Scott's house where he would meet the rest of his friends.

Stiles finished up in the bathroom went to his bed to sit to put on his shoes, he isn't risking falling over and breaking a bone.

He was walking out of his room his dad stops him to ask if he needed any help carrying his things to his Jeep.

Stiles smiles "Please". They loaded it in the back seat, when they were finished stiles gave his dad a big hug.

"You stay safe and don't get into to much trouble" his dad says with a wink.

"I will I promise, I'll see you in a few weeks".

The boy got in his Jeep and drove to Scott's house, which wasn't far at all. He got to his best friends house Liam And Isaac were already there. He got out and went up to Scotts room. They never knock even when they were little they just walked into each other's houses. Stiles got to his room and said "Hey man you ready for some fun!!"

Scott smiled "Sure am! Let's get this stuff into the van".

They rented a van so they could all fit in it. Stiles helped Scott pack his things down to the van. Scott asked Stiles if he wanted help with his things. Stiles nodded. They walked to his Jeep and Scott's eyes grew wide.

"What" stiles asked confused as to why his friend looks so shocked.

"Did you pack your whole room dude?" Scott said while laughing.

Stiles rolled his eyes "shut up and help me".

Finally Jackson and Lydia arrived. Scott helped Jackson put their things in the van also.

"Is Derek coming stiles?" Scott asked.

"He said he was, said he had nothing better to do and he wanted to keep us out of trouble, he will probably get us all thrown in jail" stiles said sarcastically.

Liam pointed behind Stiles and said "uh stiles" and laughed.

Stiles eyes got wide and sighed " he's behind me isn't he?" He quickly turned around and there was Derek. Staring at Stiles with his you better shut up face before I rip your throat out, with my teeth. "Oh hi I- I was just joking" Stiles said nervously .

Derek just stood there with his arms crossed at his chest.

"Don't be such a SourWolf" He said before walking over to Scott. Derek blushed a little and hid a slight smile. But what he didn't know is that the boy seen it.

Derek took out three suitcases and put them in the van.

"I call shotgun!!!" stiles shouted and ran to the passenger side and got in all happy and excited. Derek was going to drive. The rest of the pack climbed in getting settled.

"Ready?" Derek asked. They all nodded and Derek started to drive to the airport. It was two hours away from beacon hills.

Stiles reached for the radio fount a good station and started singing along, so were the others. Expect for Jackson he was listening to his own music. Derek quickly turned off the radio and glared at stiles then back in the mirror at the rest. Stiles reached for the radio again, Derek grabbed his arm and said "if you touch it again I will break your arm."

"Alright mr grumpy. " stiles said under his breath but Derek heard it and gave stiles a death stare.

Stiles moved nervously and glanced out his window.

"Are we there yet?" Jackson asked but no one responded. "Hello earth to Derek".

Derek glared at Jackson with an angry face "No we got 45 minutes left to go". Derek said in an angry tone.

"What's your deal man?" Jackson asked. Derek just looked at him and back at the road.

*** Derek's POV *** 

I wasn't in a good mood , I never am really. But before Jackson interrupted my thinking, it was about stiles how precious and adorable he is how perfect his eyes and lips were. He thinks I don't like him and I scare him which is pretty funny. I wondered if he liked me back? I doubt it. He's been crushing on Lydia for years now.

"What are you smiling about SourWolf?" stiles said with a smile.

"What? Nothing!" Derek snapped.

Stiles turned to face his window again with a sad face. Then lit right back up when he saw the airport. "WE ARE HERE, FINALLY!!" Stiles screamed.

"Stop being so loud it's to early for that." Jackson said smacking the back of stiles head.

"Oww" Stiles mumbled.

Derek looked at Jackson through the rear view mirror and flashed his red eyes at him.

Isaac put his hand on Derek's shoulder before anyone noticed.

"Thanks." Derek whispered.

Isaac grinned and nodded back.

*** Derek's POV *** 

Isaac knew how I felt about stiles. Since he's been my roommate for the last two years, he's gotten me to open up about my life and feelings. Which I never do at all, with anyone.

"Let's go!!" Stiles said smiling opening his door going to the back to grab his things. The rest finally got out of the van getting their things.

They all followed Derek to the entrance to the airport. He Turned around before walking in. "You all better behave on this plane." He grumbled. Then he turned around and walked in. The pack followed behind.

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