The Brasslantis Grand Express

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Juliet was able to catch up with Oliver outside the Country Club once he realized he had no idea where he was going. With Juliet leading the way, they took one of Brasslantis's most prized means of transportation. The Brasslantis Grand Express. A rather ostentatious name for a remarkably unremarkable train.

The weight of the engine car alone was enough to keep it crawling at a snail's pace, but anyone worth their brass ride it anyway. It wound slowly in a spiral until it reached the summit in the center of the city, then reversed it's path and wound back down again.

"Two tickets, please," Oliver approached the ticket counter.

"Oliver," Juliet gently touched his arm, careful not to disturb any of his steam-powered cufflinks. "Don't you think you're taking this detective thing a little too far? After all, shouldn't we be taking this information to Dappersby to handle?"

"Nonsense, Juliet. I must be the one to clear the professor's name. I'm his protégé after all."

"Well, I suppose that's true," Juliet admitted.

"And with my natural skills as the city's greatest detective, it will take Captain Dappersby twice as long to solve the case as it would for me."

"Ah, there it is," Juliet mumbled.

A whistle blew, and a great puff of steam rose unnecessarily into the sky as it announced the train would be departing soon.

"Come on, Jules. To the Lushingtons!" Oliver strode toward the boarding platform, and an exasperated Juliet followed.

On the train, the pair were able to secure seats on 'the good car' with Juliet's status and reputation. They wouldn't have to rub elbows with the common rabble who had wool elbow patches on their coats instead of leather. Juliet shuddered, just thinking about it.

The conductor announced the train's departure, and it slowly rolled to life. Oliver watched out the window as people walked past. Children going slowly as they watched the train and excitedly pointed, and then still passed by their window.

"Hm, is it going slower than usual today?" Oliver asked.

"No, I don't think so," Juliet said. "I would say it's clipping along at a rather good pace actually. We may get there ahead of schedule at this rate."

Oliver nodded, sighing through his nose and slouching in his seat.

"What... are you doing, Oliver?" Juliet asked.

"I'm brooding," Oliver said. "Can't you tell?"

Juliet, could not. Thankfully, she was saved from answering when another passenger approached their seats.

"Pardon my intrusion, is this seat available?" A handsome older gentleman with a cane, an eyepatch, and silver at his temples was standing by the empty seat next to Oliver.

"Certainly, sir," Oliver answered.

"Thank you, young man." The gentleman smiled and sat down.

Juliet, however, could not stop herself from frowning as she watched him.

"You look familiar, sir. What is your name?" she asked.

The gentleman smiled. "Of course, how rude of me. Mortimer Deckerton is the name. Lovely to meet you."

"Deckerton, did you say?" Oliver perked up. "Say, you're not the disgraced ex-partner of one Professor Quimby Stirlingwell, are you?"

Juliet gasped. "That's where I know you from! Professor still has a portrait of the two of you together in his office."

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