Madness of the mind

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I sit here thinking of everything thats been happening lately.. I've discovered things that even I was surprised about. Ive grown more compatible and closer to my ink pens and learned to spill more out on the page than I intended to. Ive learnt the fact that a Being I once loved, showed me I musnt love them anymore. I, vow to be single know why I cant trust the humans around me that decieve me. Everything is not as peaceful as you think still. My overly worried mother is beinging me to this place of what we'll call a secondary source of "Help" of which im forced to go to. "Have you tried talking to your mother about what you want at the store?" Asks the Counselor. I hesitate amswering. I dont always know what i want to eat or get. Ive never had that option untill I came to live with my current parent. I shake head "Have you made a list of the things you like to eat?" "No.." Most of our session was about wether or not I did anything with food or the names of them. Ive just been not eating much lately. Havnt been wanting to talk to people. Only my inks and demons have been the only ones I want to be with. All other life forms have been not an option. I ignore everything around me thats not music. My tireness has faded untill it hits 6am and I fall asleep. My hunger has no feel. No apitite has come to me. Only dinner time is when ot lurks around. My bed is my newfound coffin and sleep is a taste of something I wabt forever. But unfortunately my time hasnt hithered just yet. People tire me out. They annoy me to utter death. "I dont feel like talking right now." Or "Im not in the mood to call or talk" they always assume things thinking if they try to make me feel bad they'll get thier pesky ways! "You only do this to me!" Or "I bet you dont do this to '---' " is thier reply with that. HELL! Why cant I get any alone time without the co stant nagging and drama! Its already enoufht my mother is up my ass with 'You need to get something to eat' or ' get out of bed and go outside' or even ' your always sleeping and its not okay' AARRRHHGG! I WANT ALL OF HUMANITY TO LEAVE ME IN PEACE LIKE THEY DID BEFORE! IDK WHY THEY'VE SUDDENLY DECIDED TO BULLSHIT ME AND DRAG ME TO THIER BLOODY CHAMBERS!
I sigh having myself tiresome. I dearly apologize for the outbreaks. I'm just not myself anymore. I need a break from everything and everyone.

Yours truly- Ink Prince

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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