The Truth

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The next morning

You woke up with a heavy feeling. Like everything inside you was being squished together. And you knew exactly why.

You rub your eyes with the palms of your hands and yawn widely. With your eyes half open and eyebrows furrowed you take a look around the room Everyone's still asleep. So you quietly whisper with a raspy voice.

"I hate mornings."

You head for the shower, hoping that cold water would clear your mind.

You quickly remove your PJs, turn on the water and step in the shower, shivers running down your spine. You run your fingers through your wet hair. Pushing them out of the way.

You take a deep breath and close your eyes, letting your mind wonder, while freezing water runs down your back.

"Why did he say that?" You thought "Why couldn't things just stay as they were? Did he mean it?"

You jumped, almost falling and losing the trail of thought when someone knocked on the bathroom door. "Can you hurry up!?" Angelina yelled. "I need to pee."


After the refreshing shower. It's time to get dressed.
You decide you don't give a rats back door today. So you get a pair of sweatpants and a comfy hoodie,and head out.

You leave the common room and move towards the Great Hall. You see George's ginger hair from far away. But you didn't see Fred's. "Where is he?" You thought to yourself.

While walking towards George you felt weirdly confident even tho just half an hour ago you felt awful. You held your head up high, eyes looking forward, heading towards George.

You sat down opposite of him, grabbing yourself a plateful of crispy, maybe even heavenly looking bacon. You take a bite, it tastes sweet but at the same time salty, with a smoky after taste. And It's crunchy yet soft.

You look up at George. Who's got a worried look on his face. "What's wrong?" You ask.

"Oh it's just Fred he's been acting weird ever since last night. Do you know if maybe something happened?' For a brief second you froze.
Then quickly brushing it off, you answer
"No I have no idea." You say with a higher pitch than usual.
"Where is he anyway?"

"Never mind."

Fred walked into the Great Hall. Looking rather awful. Dark bags under his eyes like he had been up all night. He quickly went towards George, never even looking in your direction.

"Can I talk to you?" he said in a weak voice. "Yeah sure." So George said his goodbye and left along with Fred. You stayed to finish your yummy breakfast, with worry in the back of your head.


"So what is it?" George asked when the two of them had reached the empty corner of the Gryffindor common room.
Fred looked around like he was afraid someone was gonna listen in. He took a deep breath and said

"I told y/n I love with her." He quickly blurted out. From George's expression Fred could tell he was shocked.

"Congrats mate" He yelled getting a couple strange looks from people. And then the joy was replaced with sadness and realisation. "I guess it didn't go too well."


"So, that's what happened." Fred said when he finished telling George about last nights events. "That's a bummer, you know what, I have a plan. It's a simple three step plan to cheer you up. First we think up a good prank on that old skunk of a lady Umbridge. Step two, we execute the plan and step three, we find you a rebound girl."

Cause im gonna be honest with you, you need to get over her, i don't think she likes you in that way. Fred had a offended look on his face. "I'm sorry but it's the truth."

"I guess you're right. Let's do it." Fred said with a little grin on his face.


Just a few hours later the plan was in motion.
After consulting with Lee they came up with the perfect plan. It was very simple. They know that Umbridges office had a weak spot, the window.

Fred and George were in charge of getting the nifflers and since they had no brooms thanks to Umbridge it was Lee's task to get the nifflers into the office. So while he was climbing through the window the office door opened and in walked no other than Draco Malfoy, Umbridges little pet.

Soon after the Inquisitorial Squad caught the twins perking around the office.

And turns out that is all the proof they need to know that they are guilty. Umbridge assigned them three weeks of detention. Starting Monday.

And that's exactly what they told Hermione, Ginny, Ron, Harry and y/n. Of course leaving out the real reason they did this in the first place. Hermione of course lectured them to be careful of Umbridge.

While the others laughed cause Umbridge had to go to Madam Pomfrey. Because the nifflers attacked her. Ron almost fell of the chair laughing.

Turning the end of the dinner Ron and Harry had already left to lighten the load of homework they had. There was an awkward silence until Fred suddenly said "I think i am gonna ask Angelina out." George was all happy and patted him on the back Ginny and Hermione thought it was a great idea.

But you froze when he said those words. A lump formed in your throughout a knot tying in your chest. "It was my fault." You thought. Your face had turned visibly paler than usual.

Ginny asked "Are you okey y/n?"

'Yeah..., yeah I'm fine" Tears forming in your eyes. You quietly said trying to mask your shaky voice. "I'm gonna head to bed"
And you stormed out.

Hermione and Ginny looked at each other and then looked at the boys who didn't seem to notice so the girls ran after you calling your name and catching you at the library.

"What's going on?" Ginny asked "And no BS this time. "
Hermione agreed

"It's about Fred I.., well i kind of... really like him, but his going out with Angelina, and i thought he liked me too."

"You know what, he's the one who's missing out. Fred is the same kind of idiot as Ron. Acting all nice and sweet one second and like a total ass the other." Hermione said belligerently.

"It's okey you'll find someone else." Ginny said sweetly.

"No you don't understand I... I like him a lot" You said through sobs.

"And what happened last night makes this even more painful. Earlier in the day we you know we were having a moment and Fred wanted to say something important but before he could get a word out we got interrupted. And when I later asked him about it he said... he said he is in love with me."

He caught me off guard." "So what did you do" Ginny asked. "I pretended I didn't hear him and then he said it was nothing.

"But the truth is I did hear what he said and I think I love him too."

Hi! Thanks for reading my story. I wanted to ask if you could maybe help me. When you see any spelling mistakes in my story's. Or when something just isn't right. Let me know, Because I am still learning English and I would want the quality of the story to be as good as possible. Thanks. Plus let me know what you thought of the story. And all suggestions are welcome.

This part is a bit longer than the previous two. Let me know if you like the shorter ones better.

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