Old Letters - DenNor

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This is for @HETALIA2017

  In the quiet, humble abode of his home, Lukas Bondevik peacefully slept. Not a soul bothered him, but eventually he had to wake up to start his day. He crawled out of his warm, navy sheets and walked over to the windows to close them, the sun shining in his eyes. In the kitchen he fixed his first cup of coffee using the mug that says "COFFEE IS BETTER THAN YOU" in an old computer font. He leaned against the counter as he put his cream and sugar into the drink, and was about to take his first sip but in rushed a Stupid Dane. Norway dropped his cup, and it shattered. Matthias and Lukas stare at the mess, and before Matthias could register what was happening, he was being choked by his own tie.

The two Scandinavians sat on Norway's sofa. One with fresh coffee in a new mug that read "Butter King" in cursive, and the other nursed a sore spot on his neck. Denmark laid his head down on Norway's lap, and started to play games on his phone.

"Get up, Dane." Norway grumbled with irritation in his voice, and nudged Denmark's shoulder. Den feigned hurt and dramatically rolled to the floor, tossing his phone in the progress. He snatched his phone off the ground, and placed his hands in Nor's lap, looking up with puppy dog eyes. Norway glanced at Denmark.

"Noooooorge, I'm bored," Den said and put his head in Nor's lap again.

"Why don't you play on your phone?"

"I have nothing entertaining to do on there."

"Download something."

"I don't want to-"

"I have Legos in the hallway closet."

Denmark immediately sped to the hallway, and came back a few seconds later with a medium box of Legos. At first, he picked the Legos from the box to build them up on his Lego phone case, but eventually Denmark isn't able to find a colour he needs on the top anymore, and he dumped all the Legos out on the glass coffee table.

"DANMARK!" All Norway wanted was some peace and quiet today, but it's nearly impossible with the Dane over his house. He then had an idea.

"Undskyld Norge-"

"I have something you could do instead of Legos," Nor got up, and gestured for Den to follow. They went through halls, and ended at the door to the attic where Nor hastily opened it. "After you..."

Denmark skipped steps up to the attic. Norway came up, picked up a box, and set it in the other's arms. He himself got a box and started to sift through it, instructing Den to do the same. He told him to sort them into however many piles he saw necessary so Den separated them into three piles: keep, toss, and for Norge to look over. They would glance at each other once in a while to see their progress, and to check up on one another otherwise the room was filled with the rustle of shifting papers and boxes.

The attic was almost completely in three piles. Denmark was starting to get bored and regretted getting on Norway's last nerve. He just finished his current box, and since there weren't any he got up to find some in the far corner. He shifted around, and came upon an elaborately carved, cherry wood box. He opened it to see little keepsake things-bracelets, amulets, Rune stones and...letters.

Denmark sat down and further investigated the sheets. Some seemed like diary entries, others seemed like letters to his future self, friends, family, and...He wrote to me. Denmark skimmed the passages of the ones addressed to him.


Could you have been anymore idiotic? Why must you burden me with the task of making sure you don't get us in trouble? And with making sure you don't do something to get you hurt? It's honestly really tiring, and I don't get enough rest for this...

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