High school lover pt 2

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Betty curls her fingers under his chin, turning his head so his baby blues can focus on her again. She smiles and drags a hand down his chest, Jughead never leaving the seductive stare of her green eyes, until he feels the warm of her hand disappear. She bites her lip again and he can feel the delicious pain on his own down lip as his eyes drop on her glossy lips and back up to the center of his universe, her pretty green orbs, seeing with his peripheral vision Betty bringing her shaky fingers to her chest and starting to undo the buttons of her shirt. She pops one, two, three and his Adam's apple bob in a newfound anticipation, not daring to leave her eyes in fear of blowing this whole thing off. She pushes the material down her right shoulder and lets a shaky whisper.

"And how do you feel about that?" her cheeks flush crimson and even though Jughead doesn't want to lose the amazing view of her blush, something in him commands his eyes to move lower, the view appearing a tad more sinfully enjoyable. Her opened and misplaced blouse reveals the cup of a light periwinkle bra decorated with elegant white ruffles at the edging where her breast curves deliciously, as if it's ready to spill off the lacey prison. He licks his lips involuntarily and he swears there is some coiled up excitement low in his belly.

Jughead stares shamelessly and she lets him, her chest heaving and moving up and down nervously now, the boy secretly loving the action and he raises his hand but hesitates, connecting his eyes with hers in a silent ask of consent. Betty just slides more up his side, even though they are practically glued together and sends him a glare that seduces him in a second, the boy gulping and seeking for some male confidence in him. He finds it and he lets his fingers run down the side of her neck, his pads causing goosebumps to appear on their way and Betty's eyes flatter close as she sighs. He lets them dip in the hollow of her collarbone and run down the elastic stripe of her bra before he's tracing the curve of her left breast, feeling her soft skin and making her sigh again, rotating her chest more over his. A dose of confidence strikes in him and he feels bold so he goes for it, he lies a palm over the soft material that is exposed for his eyes and Betty jumps slightly, eyes opening again to watch him with a new shade of desire painted on their dark now green color. He squeezes once experimentally and his throat turns dry at the sensation and Betty pushes her chest forward in reflex, wanting to feel more of his touch.

Another squeeze, another gulp, another feminine sigh.

His fingers slip in the slightest under the top of the cup and the elastic band gives out, dropping off her shoulder to join her misplaced blouse and that's when he loses it; he grasps the soft mound fully and his other hand goes behind her head again to force her lips on his with a new frenzy, silencing Betty's surprised squeal and turning it into a series of sighs as he continues to grope heavily her left breast.

Their mouths are twirling in frenzy, tongues battling for dominance like never before, still sensual but quicker, making the kiss messy and wet. His fingers mess her hair and eventually yank down her hairclip, her blonde locks cascading in a flash down her shoulders, the girl breathing loudly inside the kiss and causing him to open his lips more, devour her with anything he has in him, as he urges her to fully top him now, each tan, jean clad leg straddling his hips. Jughead brings his hand between them and pulls back from the kiss dizzy and disorientated, but manages to find the rest of the small buttons of Betty's blouse, undoing them with trembling fingers while his other hand never stops palming her breast, the girl panting hard on top of him. Betty takes it upon herself to push the unnecessary cloth off her shoulders once her boyfriend is done with the buttons and he watches with shinny eyes and excited hands resting on her hips before he is awarded with the view of now both her breasts wrapped in sexy lace just for him. But he wants more and she appears to think the same.

They meet each other half way, him raising from the mattress and her leaning down, colliding their swollen from all the bites lips and her hands close on his cheeks as his deliver a delicious caress from the back of her knees to her gorgeous butt, for a second dipping in the pockets of her jeans and giving it a heavy squeeze that has her whining into the kiss and then up her back, his fingers dancing up and down her spine, making her crazy and hot in all the right places. Their hips are rubbing heavenly against each other's, Jughead feeling a foreign and very rare twitch in his pants and Betty senses that too, moaning against his lips and grounding herself more on what seems to be a forming bulge, his knuckles turning white around her hips.

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