Chapter seven

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Grinning, Jake turns to see Neytiri walking over to him with a Pali in tow

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Grinning, Jake turns to see Neytiri walking over to him with a Pali in tow.
His grin drops. I follow close behind Jake ask we walk outside to a clear patch of land. Many Pali roam and feed on nectar of the flowers.

I walk over to a rock and settle down. A lazy smile etched it's way onto my face as i rest my head on my knees.

Jake nervously runs his hand over the mare. "Easy boy."Neytiri holds the rope that holds her still.

Neytiri corrects Jake with an exasperated expression written clearly on her face. "Ele is female."

I giggled while Jake clumsily mounts the Pali. Jake takes notice and sticks his tongue out at me and bends one of its antenna down to the tip of his Tsaheylu. He hesitantly touches them together.

Jake's pupils dilate and his mouth drops open. The horse's eyes also go wide and it honks nervously.

Though it calms down when Neytiri touches her fingertips to the neural interface. "This is Tsaheylu, the bond. Feel her heartbeat, her breath. Feel her strong legs."

Jake closes his eyes, nodding. He looked one with the Pali. "You may tell her what to do from the inside. For now, say where to go." Neytiri says staring straight at Jake.

"Forward." The horse launches into a gallop. Jake flops around, with no idea how to sit the animal, and is promptly thrown off. He lands painfully in the mud, Neytiri giggled and ran after the large Pali.

Tsu'tey galloped into the clearing perfectly balanced on the Pali unlike a certain someone. The group of hunters following in suit, their Pali's hooves splashing in the shallow water of the stream. Jake looked at him before looking down his face contorted into embarrassment.

They stopped in front of Jake who was trying to get rid of the dirt in his mouth. "You should go away."

Jake looked up and finally stopped wiping dirt off. "Nah you'd miss me."
He said sarcastically. "I knew you could speak English."

Tsu'tey turns to Neytiri, who is leading the old mare back.
"This alien will learn nothing. A rock Sees more. Look at him."

She smiles in agreement before patting his Pali on the backside make them thunder off into the woods.
Neytiri gestures to Jake's horse.

Jake isn't even halfway done learning how to ride a Pali by the time i get bored. Standing up I stretch out my legs, the muscles are tight from being unused for so long. Taking a few steps I freeze at the sound of fast footsteps. Large hands wrap themselves around my torso, lifting me into the air. I let out a shrill shriek.

I was turned around in said persons strong arms. "Calm down squirt it's just me." Jake said from behind me. "I don't want you wandering off. Stay where we can see you." He said in a serious voice before smirking at me, "Next thing I know you'll join a family of angry Thanators."

I giggled and Jake set me back on the ground while Neytiri pulled him back towards his Pali.

———Montage time———

Jake has come a long way from that clumsy apprentice. He was surprisingly able to sweet talk Mo'at into letting Grace back into the clan.

Grace walked into the clearing under the grand tree. "Grace!" I squealed and ran up to her. Other children followed, running up to grace.

The sassy dream walker bent down, "look how big you've gotten." She tells the children with a kind smile as they play with her hair. "You're so pretty."

Going up to her I tell her what I've learned to say. "I see you."

Graces gold eyes widened and repeated the saying back. Running off i went up to Eytukan. He smiled down at me. "Hello little one, is there something you need?"

Giving him a large smile. "Nope," I squeaked, "i just want to be with you."

He nodded and continued having a conversation with Mo'at. Getting bored I squatted down next to his legs and started drawing in the dirt with a twig.

"Ella!" A heard a voice call. Swiveling my head around i saw Jake running up to me. "Guess what?" He asked while picking me up. I tilted my head to the said in a silent question.

Jake gave me the largest smile ever. "I made my first kill." He exclaimed while giving me a hug.

I looked at him shocked. "You did?" I ask, him responding by nodding his head quickly. "Thats a surprise..." I mumbled quietly. To my surprise Eytukan and Mo'at chuckled from behind me.

That evening we celebrated by eating the Yerik he brought home as well as many other smaller animals.

The very next day Tsu'tey took Jake and a few other young warriors to try and get their Ikran. Soon Jake was apart of the clan and everyone accepted him. It seemed like everything i wanted was happening, and everything that make me happy was there. Some would say thats my happy ending.

But it wasn't.

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