Chapter nine

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Ella is about half the size of an average male human which is about 6'0 and a Thanator is 8'2 at the head

I peeked around the corner of one of the roots of the great tree, all the warriors were standing out there looking around.

Their heads snapped towards sounds of the huge monsters. Inside were the sky people that the dream walkers said were coming.

I was snatched away by a mother who was trying to round up all the kids. "Come children, we must hide before the demons come." I clung to her as she and a few others herded the children to the far side of the tree, farthest away from the monsters carrying the sky people.

The boy next to me was knocked down by a grey sky person capsule. It soon exploded into smoke that made him cough. More of them rain in, causing the air around us to turn grey.

The smoke rolls across the confused villagers. They begin to cough and gag. As it spread throughout the base of the tree the Omaticaya people fled the tree in hopes of getting away from the cough smoke.

The woman who was carrying me put me down and grabbed her child, leaving me in the tree. I stumbled as i breathed in too much. Letting out a cry for help, "Mama!" But when no one came to help i forced my weak legs to push me up.

The villagers pour out of Hometree. Everyone is yelling, screams pierce the already loud terrain. Jake with his eyes streaming with tears, struggles with his bindings. Suddenly fire explode inside the commons. Flames roar through the base of Hometree as i try to escape.

I see an exit and i push my smoke filled body to run. Tumbling out of the tree just in time. An explosion happened right behind me, i was pushed from the impact. I felt a large chunk of wood graze my leg. Not impaling me, but it was close enough to rip skin.

I scrambled away and looked up. Studying how the tree is breaking more on one side. I run the other way in hopes to not be crushed by the massive tree. Explosives stream rapidly from the monsters, as the base of the tree disappearing behind the flames and smoke.

I let out one more feeble cough and collapsed, my small body gave all it had. Noticing a large log I drag myself behind it, allowing my body to give up. I sobbed as I lay there, unable to find the strength to get up. Unable to ignore the screams of pain and panic from behind me. I felt like I was drowning and there was nothing I could do about it. So I just laid there and let it drag me down into a darkness I wasn't sure I wanted to leave.


As I slowly woke, I felt like life just threw it's weight on my small meaningless body. My eyes opened slowly and i let out a wheeze and slowly sat up. The world around me seemed almost sad. No bugs happily buzzing around, no Pali feeding on the sweet nectar of a flower, even the forest was grey as it was covered in ash.

My body ached as i stood up on my bruised, cut legs. I stared in shock at what i saw. The tree i had called home, the tree that protected us against the raging storms, the tree that let me be a child in, was no longer standing. I cried for my Mama, i cried for Jake and Tsu'tey, i just wanted my happily ever after.


I turned my head around so fast i could have fallen. Behind me was a massive Thanator stalking towards me like it would prey. It's lip was drawn back into a snarl and i let out a whimper as i scurried back. I looked at the forest floor, hoping to wake up from this horrible nightmare.

The Thanator stared at me, its eyes burning holes into my head. Slowly lowering itself to the ground it scooted closer, letting out something that resembled a purr.

I watched the predator from the corner of my eyes. I hesitantly reached my hand out, nearly flinching when i felt something warm and leathery touch my hand. I snapped my gaze up to look at the now friendly animal.

The creature let out a gentle roar and more Thanators emerged from the burnt forest. Some looked healthy, others were hurt, but one certain Thanator stood out from the rest.
This was a heavily pregnant female.

The one who I encountered first walked up to the female, rubbing it's head against hers. I slowly stood up, not wanting to become someones dinner, and limped towards the female.

Somewhere in her gold eyes i saw what looked like concern, but it was gone before i could make sure. I reached my hand out to show her i was harmless, and turned my head away.

The kind female lowered herself so she was on the ground, and moved her tsaheylu towards me. I reached back and brought my braid in front of myself. I've only seen Jake do this with the Pali. The pink worm-like things reached for something to connect to.

I slowly attached our Tsaheylu, i stumbled forward a bit. I felt the beat of her heart, a smaller and weaker one was in the background, most likely the baby. The Thanator nuzzled it's huge head into my stomach and brought me closer.

I cuddled into her as the male pushed leaves around with his snout. Looking around I noticed how most of the Thanators laid down and started helping each other heal. The lucky few gathered leaves and clumped them together for a comfortable resting spot for the unfortunate.

I shivered slightly when i felt the female lick my bleeding arm. "Hello young one." I looked around searching for the calm yet disembodied voice. "My name is Nimay, and my mate's name is Looa."

I smiled widely at the female and gently stroked her leathery skin.
"M-my name is Ella."  I smiled up at her and giggled when she rolled over to lay on her side.

"You are very young. Do you have a mother?" She asked with a grim tone.

Now that i think about it, i have no idea if Neytiri is even alive. Everyone could be dead right now and here I am talking to a Thanator. I look up from my hands with a panic filled face,  tears threatened to fall from my eyes. "Yes my mama is Na'vi. Though I don't know if she's alive now." A lone tear slipped down my dirty face, making streaks of cleaner skin.

Soon more tears leave lines down my ash and dirt covered cheeks. The female curled herself around my shaking form. My skin felt warm but the inside of my body felt cold.

"I want my mama."

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