"Okay then you'll go out with me tomorrow. After school. We're going to have a date." Taehyung paused. Before I could say anything, he said "I won't take a no from you."
I hope you guys will like this story. My first published story on wattpad. Pard...
I can see that she was a bit uncomfortable around me, but when I saw her pouting, I think she is cute. I told her, "I wanted to know, do you have anything you didn't like about us? I mean we didn't do anything wrong but every time I saw you, you seem like having some kind of hatred towards my group of friends."
"Eh?! No, I-... I did not see you guys like that. What makes you think so? I mean I am known for my resting face." She was playing with her fingers while she answered me. Then She asked, "Why are you so interested with me? I mean there's bunch of girls who are interested with you."
"Did I sound like I am interested in you?" I scoffed. "Not in million years. I am just wondering why. Sometimes I caught you rolled your eyes when we entered the cafeteria."
"Your fangirls are so loud and annoying. I wanted to eat in peace. Heyyyy, how long you've been observing me. You're a creep." She folded her arm and made a shocked face expression.
"I didn't! I just happened to see you." I looked outside the window and mumbled, "because you look cute."
"Pardon? Did you say something?"
"No. I didn't. The view here is pretty. I should come often" I smiled at her.
:: End of Taehyung POV ::
Oh my God. His smile is so cute. No. You have to stay chic and uninterested Nana. "You have anything else to ask or say? I want to go home now." I got up and took my bag. As I was walking, he held my wrist.
"What do you want?!" I raised my right brow.
"Are you free this weekend? I am asking you out." He asked me.
"Oh, come on. I promised Jungko-.." I closed my mouth with my hand before I finish my word. I sighed then told him, "I have a plan with my friend. I'm not free this weekend."
I continued walking to the door and I saw Jooheon entering the café. Jooheon greeted me, "Oh! Hi Nana." He raised his hand. But I did not bother to greet him back. I just walked away. I felt guilty so I decided I will text Umji I wanted to apologise to her Boss tonight.
:: Taehyung's POV ::
"Did he just greeted Nana?" I titlted my head.
The waitress patted my shoulder from the back, "Excuse me? I'm sorry but are you done? Because your partner just left. If not, I am not going to clean your table and just take away her drink."
"No, I'm done. You can clean the table. But can I ask you something?"
"Sure. What is it?"
"I heard the guy clearly greeted Nana. Did they know each other?"
"Hmm. She might kill me if I tell you this. But since you've been talking to her, I guess it's okay to tell you. He knows Nana. It's been more than a year I guess? Because she's a regular here." The waitress then went to clean the table.
"Oh. I see. Thank you. I guess you'll see me around often then." I smiled then left the café.
:: End of Taehyung's POV ::
Finally it's weekend. My outfit:
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"Hey, Jung to the Kook. Wassup?" I greeted him as I opened the car door.