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the doctors are letting jisung go
back home today at noon.
until then, they're going to see
if he doesn't have anymore problems
with breathing.

right now i'm in his hospital room.
i'm sitting in a chair close to his bed,
while holding his hand.

y/n: "are you ready to leave?"
j: "more than ready. i can't wait to see my dog again."
y/n: "you have a dog?"
j: "yeah, she's a pomeranian."
y/n: "pomeranians are so cute, and fluffy."
j: "and crazy, don't forget that."
y/n: "i won't,"

the nurse came in and looked at us.

n: "seems like you're doing great! any problems yet?"
y/n: "nope,"
j: "wait, i have problems?"
y/n: "problems with breathing, not problems problems."
j: "oh,"
n: "since jisung is doing perfectly fine, the doctor might let him out early."
j: "yes!"
n: "i'll just go see what he says."

then she left the room, and closed the door.

y/n: "how are we going to leave if i don't have a car?"
j: "oh, i don't know."
y/n: "i'll just call a taxi cab to pick us up and take us to your house."
j: "can he drop us off at the entrance of my neighborhood?"
y/n: "why?"
j: "so we can talk while walking to my house."
y/n: "i guess so,"

the door opened, and the nurse came in.

n: "great news! the doctor already signed you out, so you're free to go!"
j: "thank you so much!"

once we were ready to go,
i called the taxi, and it picked us up.
we got off once we were
at the front of the neighborhood.

oh he lives in the same neighborhood as me.

han grabbed my hand,
and started walking to his house.

y/n: "so what'd you wanna talk about?"
j: "about school,"
y/n: "it's summer,"
j: "i know,  but i'm sorry. i'm sorry for what i did to you. i'm really dumb."
y/n: "i know that bullying me was a bad idea, but i forgive you. after all you did save me."
j: "i guess so."

y/n: "so where is your house exactly?"
j: "it's just down the street, see."

he pointed to a house down the street.
the house right next to mine.

y/n: "so after you get home, i'm gonna leave to my house."
j: "why don't you stay with me for a little bit?"
y/n: "but-"
j: "please!"

he stared straight in my eyes.
gosh i could get lost in his
dark brown eyes.

y/n: "fine,"
j: "yay!"

once we arrived,
he let go of my hand,
and unlocked the door.
as soon as we entered,
a little dog started running over to us.

j: "cookie!"

i closed the door,
and looked at the dog
as she played with jisung.

j: "oh y/n, this is cookie."

cookie looked at me,
and sniffed my hand
when i tried petting her.
then she let me pet her.

y/n: "you're so cute."

after playing with her
for a minute or two,
jisung and i went to the kitchen.

y/n: "what do you want for breakfast?"
j: "whatever you want."
y/n: "i'm not asking myself, i'm asking you."
j: "but i'm asking you."
y/n: "jisung,"
j: "fine fine, just make some pancakes. i'm gonna go to my room to change."
y/n: "okay,"

i started looking around
for the ingredients to make pancakes.
once i had found them,
i started making them.
after jisung came back,
we started eating.
after eating,
we cleaned everything up.

y/n: "finally done."
j: "you wanna watch a movie?"
y/n: "if that's what you want."
j: "okay, come on."

we went over to his living room,
and cookie was sleeping.

y/n: "she's so cute."
j: "yep, she is."

i sat down on the couch,
and jisung put a movie on.
of course, horror.

j: "you're okay with horror, right?"
y/n: "yeah, it's fine."

he started the movie,
and i already had goosebumps.
i just kept scooting closer,
and closer to jisung
as the movie played.
once i was sitting directly next to jisung,
the movie started getting scarier.

i tried not to scream,
and thankfully i didn't.
i just hid my face in my knees,
when i was scared.
after a while, i felt an arm around me.
i looked over,
and jisung had his arm around me.

i could feel my cheeks
go a light shade of pink.
i just shook the feeling off.

i can't have feelings for him, right?

i just kept watching the movie,
while jisung had his arm around me.
i suddenly felt tired,
so i laid my head down on jisung's shoulder, closed my eyes,
and slowly fell asleep.

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