Chapter 2

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*Louis pov*

The lads and I walked into the abandoned hotel. 

"Kinda creepy huh?" Niall said. 

"Yeah a little," Zayn said. 

"What if we are the only ones left?" Harry said. 

"I can live with that!" I said excitedly. 

"Alright calm down lads!" Liam said. 

'But we are probably the last people on Earth' I thought.  

'gasp' someone said. We all turned to see a cute girl standing there dumstruck. 

"O-oh my goodness are you guys...?" 

"Why yes we are and you are...?" I said. 

"Sarah," she said blinking her pretty blue eyes. 

"Chris," one guy said looking angrily at me. I guess he liked her too. 

"Kyle," the other guy said smirking. 

"And you?" Harry said looking at the girl with the red hair. 

"Emily," she said looking away from Harry who was staring at her. All I could see was that pretty blue eyed blonde looking at me. 


*Harrys pov*

"And you?" I said smoothly to the pretty red head with green eyes like me. 

"Emily," she said looking away from me. How odd all the girls love me. I am Harry Styles of course! 'But why doesnt she like me?' I thought.  

"Did you guys see anyone out there?" she asked Zayn. 

"Nope no one," I sad trying to catch her attention. 

She caught me staring at her and glared back at me. I stared back innocently. She looked away and I smirked. 


*Naills pov* 

I looked at the brown haired girl Briana and gasped a little. She was beautiful! Her hair shiny and chesnut colored her eyes like topaz! Oh my gosh she was so pretty! I stood there looking like a fool staring at her until she noticed and gave me a little wave. My heart beat loudly in my ears as I grinned like an idiot. She laughed quietly and I lowered my head.  

'Way to go idiot!' I thought sullenly, 'Now she thinks your a loon!' Ugh. Why is talking to girls so tough? 


*Zyans pov*  

"Did you see anyone out there?" Emily asked me. As I was about to answer Harry interjected quickly "Nope no one!"  

Wow he likes her I think. I'll have to ask him if he does later. I didn't see anyone i liked but oh well. Louis was looking at Sarah like she was the appocalypse. Well it is the appocalypse so I would understand. It was obvious Emily didnt like Harry but knowing him he wouldn't give up easily.  

'Sigh' I thought, 'When am i going to meet my match? Life's so unfair!' 


*Liams pov* 

I looked around the hotel and to my surprise there weren't any dead people in the lobby. The pulse must have hit while everyone was asleep.  

'Why didnt it kill us? Why are we still alive? Where is everyone?' thoughts bounced around in my head with no answers following them as i continued to think...

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