Chapter 5

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*Louis pov*

" I'll go tell him to be nicer right now!" I said to Sarah.

"Ok," she laughed. I started going to look for him. I knew he would be on the top floor because he is always wanting rooms on the top floor. I took the elevator and hit the 15th floor button. I'm glad the power is still on. I walked out of the elevator and I heard Harry whispering something and I went to the sound of his voice. He was singing 'It's gotta be you' quietly. Was he singing to her? Wow major attitude change. I opened the door slowly and peeked in. He was sitting on the bed with her asleep on his chest. Emilys eyes were red and puffy so I knew she cried.

"Its gotta be youuuu," he whispered ending the song. He really likes her I guess.

"Hazza," I said quietly. He looked up quickly.

"Yeah Boo Bear?"

"Come here,"

"Ok hold on," he said picking Emiy up and tucking her in bed. I walked out and he followed closing the door quietly.

"Yes?" he asked once we were away from the room a little.

"Hazza, do you like her?" I asked.

"Y-yeah I really like her," he sighed.

"Aw my Hazza is growing up!" I said laughing.

"Shut up!" He said laughing too.

"I was suppost to tell you to be nicer but I guess that is unneccesary," I smirked.

"Yeah your a little late there," he laughed.

"Just a little," I said

"Yeah, so do you like anyone?" he asked


"Who is it Boo Bear?"

"Sarah," I muttered.

"Who I didn't hear you,"

"Sarah," I said a little louder.

"That blonde girl?"


"Awwww my Boo Bear is growing up!" he said loudly.

"Be quiet!"

"Why this is happy news!"

"Because... cause Emily is trying to sleep!" I yelled triumphently.

"Oh yeah," he shushed me. I laughed quietly.

"It's getting late, we better head of to bed," I said.

"Yeah," he said, "Goodnight,"

"Night Hazza!" I said. He laughed quietly and went back to the room Emily was in.


You like it? I'll update like everyday maybe twice a day! Laterssss!


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