Chapter 2

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It had been quite a normal day. A few people came in to buy flowers, about three men, a teenage boy, and a woman. Danny worked the morning shift, eight am to one pm, with Matthew. Nicholas came in about an hour after she left, and Jennifer came in at four, after her last class.

Matthew worked with the plants for most of the day. He gave them water, rotated them in and out of the sunlight, and made sure they were all happy and healthy. He worked the cash register for the hour between Danny and Nicholas' shifts, though he only got one customer.

Ava arrived about half an hour after Jennifer. He had expected it; she was always late, but he never really minded. She was really busy, and usually really stressed. She worked two jobs while also raising her daughter. Danny was always making sure the woman didn't overwork herself. Though, that didn't stop the woman from apologizing profusely every time it happened. They were all like one big family at the shop; it was what Matthew had striven for when he bought the building.

Once there were two others running the shop, he left to enjoy the rest of the day. He started by visiting the grocery store for whatever he could pack into the mini fridge at the shop. It was originally for the break room, so people could put their drinks and snacks in it in case they got peckish. Now, it was mostly used for Matt's everyday meals. Sometimes, the others put their leftover home cooked meals in their for him. He was so grateful for them.

After an hour of indecisively perusing the isles, he settled on a bag of chips, a container of grapes, a few lunchables, and a small case of waters. He payed for the food before lugging the bags back to the shop. Luckily, the store was only a block away.

He greeted Ava and Jennifer on his way in, heading straight for the break room to put the groceries away.

The break room was connected to the back room on the left side. It was a nice room. Unlike the rest of the store, the break room had a carpeted floor rather than stone tiles. The mini fridge sat in the corner left of the door. There was a single window on the right wall, curtains pulled shut. In the back left corner was a tall lamp, and along the back wall was a pullout couch where Matthew found himself sleeping when he didn't fall asleep at a desk. Beside the couch bed were a few boxes full of anything Matthew thought was necessary or had value. The walls each had posters that were brought in by each of them. There were some with adorable animals paired with an inspirational quote. There were a few of different bands and even an Umbrella Academy one. Matthew didn't know who brought in each one, although he had some ideas. They had all simply accumulated over the four years the shop had been open.

After finishing with the groceries, he bid Ava and Jennifer goodbye and left once more. He didn't have any plans or a decided destination, but he enjoyed the cool breeze the rustled his hair. He was lost in thought as he found himself walking through a neighborhood.


Matthew jumped at the yell. He was broken from his daze to see Daniella waving him over. She stood on her porch, her front door open. He hadn't even realized he had made his way down her street.

Walking along the front lawn, he made his way closer to the woman. She seemed a bit panicked. Her hair was messier than usual and her clothes were ruffled.

"I'm so glad you're here." She sounded tired yet relieved as she spoke. "My babysitter just called in sick, and I have to work a shift at the diner tonight. Hannah's working late. I don't know what to do. Can you watch the twins? Please?"

Matthew would never refuse, especially since Danny rarely asked anyone for anything. He was quick to say yes, ushering her into the house to get ready.

Within ten minutes she was walking out of her room, dressed and ready for her shift at the diner. She wore a royal blue uniform, her hair up in a messy bun, and her makeup perfect as usual. She grabbed her purse, giving each of the twins a kiss on top of their heads before heading for the door.

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