Chapter 3; Good morning.

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It was already morning, the sun was rising. You decided to get ready for the day. You brushed your hair, you didn't have any other clothes so you just kept on what you were wearing. You put your hat on, walking to the door. You unlocked it. You went downstairs where all the others already were. SELOZAR was cooking, ULEANRA was coloring, and AloneTraveler was watching the TV.

"The food is done.." SELOZAR told AloneTraveler while walking out of the kitchen. "Good." AloneTraveler stood up, he kicked ULEANRA and told him to get up as well. You looked at the smallest out of the group who was just kicked. You could see his eyes under his sunglasses, they were welling with tears. You helped him up, he didn't speak so he just smiled at you.

SELOZAR had a small breakfast on the table. He looked up at AloneTraveler, who had already had begun to eat. "Bad." He glared at SELOZAR before returning to eating. "Sorry, Alone.." You noticed SELOZAR called him Alone.. "Alone?" You asked. His head jerked up looking straight up. "Do I still have to go to school?" You asked hoping the answer is no. "Yes. SELOZAR and ULEANRA go with need learn thing."

You didn't want to go to school but you didn't try to resist. "Do I go today?" You asked. Alone looked at you again. "No. School tomorrow. Eat now or punish." You obeyed him and ate though you were far from hungry.

Alone finished his food, first of course. You pushed away your food only after having a few bites. "Eat now or punish." His voice firm though his grammar wasn't correct. You pulled the plate back to you, and took a few more bites and looked back up at him. He looked at you and then pointed back at the food. You only could take three more bites.

That was good enough for Alone. SELOZAR stood up taking everyone's plates. He walked over to the sink so he could wash them. "Slantics upstair now." You looked at him, even when sitting, he was still so much taller. You walked up the stairs and walked into your room. Alone had followed you and shut the door behind him. "First punish." He said as you turned around, fear in you eyes.

He pulled the sword off his back, the sword gleemed as he walked to you. You kept backing up until you reached the corner. He raised the sword and made a deep cut in your arm making you cry. Thr tears poured down your face. You hid yourself in a ball, you wanted to get away. As soon as you lifted your head to look at him, he was already walking away.

SELOZAR came in with badages. He gave you a diffrent shirt. This one was white and long sleeved. SELOZAR wrapped the bandages around the opened cut. You've only been here for a day.. "I know it feels like you have to escape, but trust me on this one. There is no escape. Just do whatever Alone says. ULEANRA and I can't really help you. We'd both be punished.. I am sorry but, good luck.." SELOZAR gave you the new shirt, stood up and left. You were fucking scared out of your mind. What have you gotten youself into??

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