Chapter 1

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Six months... It's all they had before praimfaya hit and burned everything on it's way. Their only choice was The Second Dawn bunker that Jaha found. When Octavia won the conclave she decided to share it with eleven clans (excluding azgeda). But it was another problem, only one hundred people from each one... only 1200 people will survive.
Tears were streaming down Clarke's face as she was writing names of people she know, remember each one she sentenced to death in flames.
100. Belamy Blake
The list was full, no more places for others. As soon as she put down the pen she started crying.
-What happend princess? -she heard behind her.
-Bellamy? - Clarke turned her head to see his worried face. - I just can't do this. I can't show this list, I just wanna rip it. Why am I always chosing who lives and who dies!?
-I know it's hard for you. - He said standind right in front of her- But there's no other choice.
-It would be if my mother didn't destroy this fucking machine. -she cried- Because of nightblod we could've been able to safe everyone! And now we need to pray for more time. Maybe a new solution will come soon.
-Come here - he said spreding his arms and she hugged him tight- You don't need to come through this alone. You still have me remember?
She noded her head looking into his eyes.
-Do you still have hope Bellamy? -she asked after a while of quiet.
-We are still breathing- he answered- As long as we live, there is always hope.
Clarke looked into his eyes deeply, and suddenly she kissed him with passion. At first Bellamy kissed her too, but when he realized what they were doing he took a step back before it would've been too late.
-We can't Clarke...
-Bellamy please... Please help me, let me feel something else apart from pain, fear and weakness- It wasn't Clarke that he knew, the person standing in front of him, it was a fragile woman who is about to fall apart. As soon as he looked in her eyes full of tears, he broke. Their lips touched gently only to turn into a passionate kiss while after. Words weren't needed. Her hands under his T-shirt and his taking off her clothes.
-Morning princess- he said when her eyes opened- We should get dressed before someone finds us like that.
-Just one more minute, you're so warm- she said hugging him. He just smiled and wrapped his arms around her.
When they got dressed, Bellamy was about to leave room.
-Do you regret what happend last night? -she asked
-No- he told her after a while of hesitation without turning around- And you? You were out of your guard.
-Me neither. I hope I didn't destroy our friendship because of this- Clarke answered looking at his back.
-It won't- he said and before closing the door he send her little smile.
-I guess I should hide this list before someone finds out- she said to herself putting paper into one of drawers. And then she left room and all things that happend last night behind her.
~month later~
-No, it's not possible- she said and hid her head in hands- it can't be.
-Well, somehow it is possible, and I'm 100% sure about that - her mother said - And here's my question. Who is the father?
-You need to tell him, you know right? - Abby said washing her hands - You can't hide this forever.
-I know, I'm gonna tell him, but first I need to handle it all by myself. - Clarke answered and left infirmary.
-Be careful, you are still weak after vomiting. - she heard her mother's voice behind her.
-Great, the world is about to end and I got pregnant. Really stupid of me. - she fought going to her room.
-Clarke. Can you talk right now?- of course it must've been Bellamy. She just noded her head and he lead her to another room. Murphy, Harper, Monty and Emori were already there.
-So that's the problem here- Bellamy started- Raven is on Becca's island. We can't leave her there. And my question is :Who's in the rescue mission?
Everybody raised their hand, even Clarke.
- Becca's Bunker, this might be the only option for me and my child to survive - she thought and started packing her things.

The next day they met at the rover and their travel started. Road took them whole two days. Clarke tried as much as she could to hide her morning sickness and mission was somehow completed. They reached Becca's island at evenig.
-Glad you're here- said Raven when she saw them - Now it's too late for anything, get some rest and we'll meet at morning.
As everybody chose their room Clarke decided to take a shower. Cool water cleared her mind, she laid her hands on her still flat belly really worried about what's next.
-I won't let anything bad happen to you. I promise.

-Oh, the princess finally came- laughed John
-Shut up, or you're gonna regret it.- she said and looked at him with murder in her eyes
-Are you sure you are okay? You look pale.
-I'm allright Bellamy, sorry for being late Raven you can start- But Bellamy was still looking at her worried.
-So we have a problem - Raven started -At first we had 6 months, four of them passed and now, we've got less than two weeks left. And it's speed still increases. I'm afraid we won't be back to the bunker on time.
-Why there is still two weeks left right? - asked Murphy.
- In theory. Practical if they don't close the bunker in 24 hours, they're all gonna be dead. The level of radiaton will kill them.
-That's insane- said Bellamy -What choices do we have?
-We can go back to The Ring. But we need some preparation.- she said- But first you need to put on these suits. It will protect you from the radiation. Bellamy can you contact the bunker and tell them everything?
-Yes. Clarke are you going with me? - she just noded and they went to the radio.
-Bellamy Blake to the second dawn bunker. does anybody hear me- he started talking to the radio.
-Octavia? Are you allright?- he asked immediately
-Yeah we all are. When will you come back, grounders and our people are getting worried. - signal was getting worse because of the radiation.
-That's the problem- he said- we won't be on time. If you don't close the bunker in 24 hours, everybody will die.
-And what about you? I'm sure that buker on island is not properly prepared for the death wave.- she said with a breaking voice.
-We have a plan, don't worry. We want to survive 5 years on the ring.- Bellamy answerd her
-I love you big brother- they can hear octavia crying to the radio- I guess it needs the end of the world for me to say it. We are going to close the bunker in a minute
- I love you too O, I'm sure you're gonna be a great leader.- and then Raven called Bellamy down- Can you talk to Clarke now?
-Hey O can I talk to my mother? - Clarke asked after he left, and a while later she heard her mother's voice.
-Are you insane!? You can't risk that much. You're going to be a mother.- she yelled, and then it was a loud "What!? What on earth has happend Clarke!? And why am I the last to know!? " "I'll explain in a moment O"
-I know mum. We both gonna be fine.- Clarke said -Have you used my list?- then the signal broke- mum? Mum!?
Radio was dead, there was no other way to contact them, with tears in her eyes Clarke came down and what he saw, shocked her. There was Echo lying on the floor.
-What happend here? - she asked.
-We found her in the forest alone, mabe she has done many terrible things but we couldn't let her die like that. - explained Monty. Then she woke up and looked at us really confused.
-What's happening here? -Echo asked standing up.
-These two saved your live and if you wanna survive help us go to space -Raven said -Now let's go to work. If you wanna help us put a suit on you and come to me. Monty, Murphy you need to bring something for me, Bellamy check water and food, Harper and Clarke you need to check how's praimfaya. Let me know if something get worse.
It's been half an hour after Raven gave them orders and suddenly there was a loud explosion. Everybody immediately checked the rocket.
-Raven what happened? - Bellamy ran to her checking if she was all right.
-There might be not enough fuel for us to come back so I needed to find some other way to bring us back. And I guess something broke here - after hearing this words everybody got nervous, and Raven started checking something- everything is all right with the rocket but we won't be able to turn on the ring from space. We need to do it here from the tower.
-Raven! Something's wrong, come here now!- Harper shouted.
We all run to the monitors.
-It's bad. It is really bad- Raven looked terryfied- we have only half an hour left, I'm not sure but even less we need to hurry up. Someone needs to go to this tower and turn it on- she said
-Echo should go- said Murphy but Clarke wasn't sure if she wanted to make it. They could leave and then die in space because of her.
-I'll go - Clarke volunteered
-Allright. Clarke you need to follow my instructions, you've got 20 minutes, after that we are leaving without you, run fast. Understood?
-Yes, I'll be on time.- she said and went out
-And rest to the rocket, now- she shouted and put on her helmet.
-Please Clarke, hurry up. - Bellamy thought.

Clarke was running really fast and as soon as she reached the tower she started working. It was taking so long, and then it wasn't possible to turn it on here. She looked up at the tower with fear.
-I'm sorry my dear for your mother's bad choices, oso gonplei ste odon.- and then she started climbing. When she reached the top she saw starting rocket. Now she needed to do everything for her friends. As soon as she turned it on she headed back to the bunker even if it wasn't much chance.
She closed the door and run vomiting with black blood. The Death Wave hit.

Raven joined Bellamy at the window. He was looking at destroyed planet.
-Do you think we can do this without her? -She asked.
-She died for us to live- Bellamy said- and I'm not going to let her death to go in vain.
-So come with me- she said and started walking back- we need our leader.

So it is my first story here. If you see any mistakes, let me know I would be really thankful.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2019 ⏰

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