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i sat outside the operating room, my elbows propped up on my legs, looking down at the ground.

my once pastel pink hoodie painted red with blood.

please don't die.




i sobbed, breath shaking, tears falling.

jaeeun's step-dad was in the car.

i helped him murder her.

i killed her.

"yoongi!" someone yelled,

i turned to the voice and saw jimin running down the hall towards me.

jimin i'm so sorry.

he looks so distraught, hair messy, large hoodie just thrown on, exposing his collar bones.

he kneeled down in front of me, reminding me of how my parents scolded me as a child.

"yoongi what happened?" he asked looking desperate for answers,

god, i can't look at him.

i killed his sister.

my eyes got wider as my anxiety grew stronger.

i murdered her, her blood is on me.

"i-i didn't mean it jimin," i cried looking down away from him, "i'm so sorry,"

"are you okay?" he asked grabbing my face, forcing me to look at him,

"jimin i'm sorry," i sobbed,

"it's okay, hyung," he said pulling me into a hug, "it's okay,"

*dream end

my eyes shot open and i sat up with a sharp gasp.

"yoongi," jaeeun said noticing me,

i swallowed my saliva, hydrating my dry throat. my legs where over hoseok's lap who was sitting on the couch, covered in a thin blanket.

"are you okay?" jaeeun asked,

thank god jaeeun's here...

"i-" i started before clearing my throat, "i- umm... just a weird dream,"

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