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jaeeun prov

"so should i call you unnie?" aki asked as she made us tea in the kitchenette,

we left the studio so yoongi could focus on his music.

"i'm a few months older," i said sitting on the couch,

"unnie," she chimed coming over with two cups of tea,

"you can just call me jaeeun," i smiled as aki sat down on the couch, setting the tea on the table,

"alright jaeeun," aki smiled, "so how's the new phone?"

"oh it's great," i said picking up one of the cups of tea, "thank you so much,"

"it's no problem," aki said, "so hoseok told me you got a memory back,"

"oh yeah i did," i said taking a sip of tea,

"what did you remember?" aki asked picking up her mug,

"i remember meeting yoongi in high school," i said, "he looked like a baby,"

"i've seen his year book pictures," aki laughed, "the blonde hair looked pretty good, didn't it?"

"it was weird to see him blonde," i replied,

"so has yoongi been taking care of you alright?"

"he has," i said, "a lot of people ask me that question,"

"yoon hasn't always been good at taking care of himself," she said sipping her tea, "sometimes he goes months with a empty kitchen,"

"yeah, i noticed that," i said, "he took us grocery shopping a few days ago,"

"was it fun?"

"i mean i bumped into someone, i'm meant to know but don't," i explained, "but yoongi just got really angry and pissed off at them,"

"who was it?" aki asked,

"jungsoo? last name was moon i think?"

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