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~ one year later ~

yoongi prov

i sat at the cafe by myself on my laptop. i listened to the scrapped tracks through my headphones. clicking though the random mp3 files.

it's spring, the start of a new year. the setting sun was shining though the cafe window.

i clicked onto a new file labeled projects, there was only one file in there.


i felt my heart ache a little. i haven't seen jaeeun for a while. her family came back seven months ago, so she moved in with them.


jaeeun and i where at the airport standing outside the gate waiting for her family to come out.

"i'm so fucking nervous," jaeeun said holding a little paper sign that said 'welcome home :)',

"don't be nervous, jae," hoseok said wrapping his arm around her,

"do i look okay?" she asked turning to me,

"you look great," i smiled,

"oh my god there's people," jaeeun said looking away as people started walking out,

jaeeun's going home. we only lived together for six months, that's okay.

we had fun, we spent christmas and new years in daegu with my family. we spent spring with picnics in park and summers by the sea side.

i smiled to myself as her brother ran up to her, jaeeun was hesitate but wrapped her arms around namil's small frame.

*flashback end

it only took her a week to pack up all her stuff and she was gone.

i clicked on the file and listened to the song.

i wonder what she's up to, right now. is she doing well? how's her memory?

i miss having her in the apartment, it feels lonely without her.

i kept on thinking about her as the track came to the end.

i started packing up my things and left the cafe, ready to head back home.

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