Chapter 13: Troubled lesson

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A.N. Yet again the geography will be a bit ruined. And why jump back and forward? Because journey would end quickly otherwise.

This time Danny took the lead. He was the only one who knew the directions. He walked in front of the group. Behind him was Serana, who was holding the reins of the horse, atop of which the Dragonborn was sleeping and snoring. It was still night, so the man was resting. All the while the young vampire kept glancing at the half ghost's back, recalling what had happened mere hours ago. They hadn't spoken since setting off. Neither was confident enough at the moment to talk about it. Well, Danny was much better at hiding the embarrassment.

Serana cursed herself quietly. She had probably hurried the events. The vampire wasn't even sure he liked her. But his words made her feel warm inside. Serana had never felt anything like it. At the same time she was confused. Maybe it was indeed too rushed, it could be a mere momentary impulse, something below, even if mistakingly similar to the true feelings for the man accompanying her. Valerica would have probably said it was indeed a childish and naive impulse. She may be over a thousand years old, but inside she was still the same young woman as before the ritual. Serana needed some time to figure everything out. Hopefully Danny wouldn't do any stupid thing which would provoke her to doing the same.

As for Phantom, he also was in two minds about what happened. On one hand, he was kissed by a woman of the exceptional beauty, which didn't happen daily. But he wasn't sure how to react to this, although what he had said to her was truth. It truly was amazing, but there were a lot of things he wasn't sure about. And honestly, his experience with women had been a disaster so far. If only he had Tucker's confidence, not some momentary moments of bravery. Then again, that kind of confidence got his friend in all sorts of trouble. And never would Danny ask his parents, even if he could do that at the moment.

And they just kept walking, until the sun rose. Serana sighed and pulled the hood over her head. She hated that unreachable orb in the sky. Soon they heard Dave shift on his improvised bed. He got up groggily and rubbed his eyes.

"Damn it, that was a wild night," Dovahkiin muttered. "Were you, kids, on legs all this time?

"Yep/yes," they responded simultaneously.

The blonde looked around, tryin to understand where exactly they were. The mountains indicated that it was still the Reach. The landscape did look familiar, however. Dave rubbed his chin in thought.

"How about we get off course a bit, Your Majesty?" He asked Danny with a note of sarcasm.

"Why?" Phantom raised his eyebrow.

"I have a few acquittances nearby, there you could rest for a while. Or at least eat properly. That goat is still disgusting."

"Are we going there just so you could fill the stomach?" Serana asked.

"Not exactly, although it won't be extra. I have an issue to solve," Dave looked back at Danny. "They might as well cast us out, but maybe they have cooled down."

Phantom hummed, glancing at his vampire companion. She just shrugged.

"We might as well check out the place. Is it far?"

"In the base of that mountain," Dovahkiin pointed at the distance of three miles. "This time I'll lead the way."

Both of the undead were curious about where their friend was taking them. They went up the roads they wouldn't have noticed otherwise. They got several cuts from the sharp thorns of the bushes, while Dave, mostly dressed in the pieces of iron, was non phased by the situation. Somehow they ended up in the shadowy place, hidden beneath the lush trees. Only few sun rays managed to get through the leaves. Then the bland rocks were replaced by the stone structures, obviously of no natural origin. The horse couldn't go any further, so it had to be left on a rope again.

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