Chapter 8: Caught in a lie

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   "You trust me. Aren't you?" Yoongi whispers close to your left ear. You stare at him without blinking. Yoongi releases you. What the heck? He freaks me out. Yoongi giggling.

   "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Okay. We dinner together tonight. 8 pm okay?" Yoongi smile. Yoongi shoves both of his hand into his slack pocket. You fix your blouse that has a little wrinkles and heading your heals toward the door.


   You apply pumpkin red lipstick on your lips. Looking perfect. Then, you apply mascara to your eyebrow.


   Message ringtone hits your eardrums. You gaze at your phone on the bed. You lean forward to take your phone. You read the message.

   Unknown: I know you're going to meet Min Yoongi tonight. If you still don't believe all the pictures. You can hide somewhere else at the restaurant. And tell Yoongi. You can't having a dinner with him for some reason. Wait for several minutes, all the pictures i sent to you will be proven. I'm helping you...

    You gulped. Actually, you're going to talk about the pictures with Yoongi. That's your plan. You want an answer. But this mystery message give you another idea. You just want an answer. That's all. So you decided to do what stated in the message.


   You saw Min Yoongi sitting on the luxury chair inside the restaurant while playing his phone. It's already 8.15 pm. You make him waiting for a purpose. You press call button on Min Yoongi number.

   You: Yoongi.
   Yoongi: Jagiya? You arrived?
   You: I'm sorry.
   You: Why? Ha, owh. It's ok. It's not really late for  me. I'm still waiting for you as long as you arrive safely. It's enough for me

   Guilty feeling hits your heart hearing how caring he is for you. You sigh. You love him. You feel like you want to forget everything about the pictures and messages. Run towards him and hug him. But, your brain demands an answer. Your heart and your brain arguing each other. You lost in confusion.

   Yoongi: Y/N? Y/N? Are you listening?
   You: Ha? Yes. I'm sorry. Errk. I can't dinner with you tonight. Ermm. I forgot today is my friend's birthday. I'm truly sorry Yoongi. I'm sorry for making you waiting for me.

   You hear his heavy sigh through the phone. You title you head down. You're not sure if this a correct decision or not. But you still want to go on.

   Yoongi: It's okay. Take care of yourself, jagi.
   You: You too. Annyeong.

   Call cut. You sigh. You look at him. He stands up heading towards the door. Calling someone. Then, he returns back inside the restaurant. You furrow your brows. Isn't he going back home? You stand there, waiting. After a several minutes, you saw a young lady ambling towards Yoongi's table. Her sexy dress. Ah, my eyes hurt! Yoongi smiles at her.

   You examine her face carefully. You eyes expand. She's in the pictures. Same woman. You breath heavily. You holding your chest. You saw Yoongi kissing her palm back hand. What the fuck Min Yoongi? You scream internally. You just see it in your eyes. How they smile and laugh. Hurt your little heart. You unlock your phone and tap the call button.

   You: Yoongi. Where are you? Are you arrive home safely?
   Yoongi: I'm on my way back to home, Jagiya. You are worrying that much on me? Miss me?
    You: Of course Min Yoongi. Can't wait to see you tomorrow. I got to go. Take a good care of yourself, Yoongi.
    Yoongi: Alright, Jagi. Me too. Take care.

   You cut the call. It's hurts. You don't want to see more scenes. It's enough. Proven enough. I trust you Min Yoongi. You betrayed me. I wasted my love on a wrong person.


   "Let's break up." That words hitting his eardrum earlier this morning. Yoongi sighs. You told everything to him, even showing him all proofs. Yoongi startled, lost of words. He rub his hair. He throws a gaze to the back of his office that covered with a big and thick glass. There's a lot of tall buildings. The clouds seems heavy and about to pour out the water.

   "Y/N. No matter how hard you try. I won't let you go. You're mine." He mumbles with his dark look eyes go through all your pictures in his phone's gallery.

   You start your work as usual. No more special relationship between you and your boss. It's just relationship between employee and employer. You know he won't let you go. That's why he keeps disturbing you. Ask you to work overtime so that he can spends time with you. Gives you an unnecessary works and it's not even related to your job. He even call you out of work time to ask you to do a ridiculous job. You can't stand his tortures. You know he does on purpose. So you decided to resign after 2 weeks suffering under his management.

   "I won't let you go. No matter how hard you try." Yoongi leans to the back staring at you.

   "It's my right to do so. You can't stop me." You place the resigning letter on his table and heading towards the door. Before you twisted the doorknob.

   "I remind you again. No matter how hard you try to run from me. I'll always find a way to make you mine again. Because you are mine. " Yoongi said in an arrogant tone and you can hear his evil chuckles. You left his office.


   Rosé looks at you in disbelieve looks. You look at her. Rise your brows.

   "So many things happened and I know nothing."Rosé pouts her lower lip.

   "Now you know." You are about to stand up when Rosé speaks out.

   "I suddenly had a goosebumps. That's why I'm afraid of falling in love. And... don't tell me that's the reason why you changed a lot." Rosé lift up her butt leaning towards you. You chuckles.



So that's the story between you and your ex-boss aka you ex-boyfriend. I'm sorry cuz the flashback is too long. But i had to show y'all in details so y'all can understand the story. Don't forget to vote. Wait for the next chapter. Saranghae💖🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️


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