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*** Three Years Later***

It has been four years since I left London to start a new life. Four years.

Jacob and I have decided to shift back to London. Well, Jacob has been moving back and forth between Italy and London.

But the kids really miss him when he is gone and that is a major reason why we decided to shift back to London. Yes, kids. Sarah now has a sister Sieara who is a year old.

Jacob and I couldn't bemore happier or prouder of our little family. Jacob loves his girls and they love their dada.

My company has become one of the top clothing line in Europe and I couldn't be happier about it. People still don't know about the owner of the company but that hasn't stopped the company from beacoming one of the leading brand lines in all over Europe.

Jacob and I decided to hold a party and at that party we would let the world know about the face behind the brand.

A lot of thing have changed in the last three years. I have changed so much as  a person,as an indivisual and I am really proud of the person that I am  today. I feel happy about the decision that I took four years back. The decision  to leave Jason to start over.

The decision to marry Jacob was one of best decesions of my life. It changed my life for the better. He changed my life for the better.

I could not have asked for a better husband, a better friend and a better father to our two girls.

I know going back to London was somewhat going back to my past. To Jason. And I knew that sooner or later I would have to tell him about Sarah too.

Jason had gotten engaged is what I had last heard. Honesty now, I don't feel any anger or haterd towards him. He did what he felt was right. And I know at times people are just not meant to be together. Maybe we weren't menat to be together afterall. We had outgrown each other and it was time for us to let go and move on but I still wished that he had come to me and talked to me rather than cheating on me.

When I came to Italy four years back. I had nothing. I was nobody and now when I'm leaving Italy, I'm going back with a husband who loves me and cares for me, my two beautiful girls whom I love more than life itself and a company that has been my dream ever since I was baby.

This place has givem me so much. That words can't even express it.

This place has seen the transformation of a broken twenty two year old into and independent, successful, happy and content twenty six year old woman.

For me Italy will alwats be special. London is and will always be my home. But the space his place holds in my heart is permenant.

Because this was place where I met my forever person, My husband. When I had my two girls. Where I became the person I am today.
The city of love and gelato.

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