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" Khyra you were so cool yesterday " "Khyra jjang"

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" Khyra you were so cool yesterday "
"Khyra jjang"

Yours praising is not helping at all

Khyra ignore them still mad about yesterday that they don't help them.

Khyra saw Jungkook from far with his friend but debating to call him or not..

Should i?

Jungkook look back and saw Khyra walking toward him, he wave her

"Hey" He greet Khyra

"Hi" Khyra smile

"Uhh, this is the lucky girl to be saved by our Jungkook" Bambam say

"Hi.. i'm Yugyeom and this Bambam" Yugyeom introduces

"Kim Khyra imnida"

"How's your friend yesterday? is she good?" Bambam ask

"She not going to college today, she got 3 days off" Khyra bitterly said.

"I hope she okay" Jungkook say


"Let's join us we got same class" Bambam say

"Economy? " Khyra ask

"Yes! we take that course too and we in same class" Bambam say again

"Really?" Khyra didn't notice them is she blind or what

"Yes, you should open your eye" Yugyeom giggle

"Oh my gosh, i don't realize it" Khyra chuckle

"Now you know can we go?" Bambam say, Khyra chuckle then nod, four of them walk to their class

"In this class Jungkook always score the highest " Yugyeom whisper to Khyra

"Wow he that smart ass?"Khyra look Jungkook, Jungkook not notice they were talking about him yet

"and he that asshole who break many girls heart in this college" Bambam continue make Khyra laugh

"Yah.. yah i heard that at least i'm not JAMless" Jungkook mock

"Duh look who's talking" Yugyeom involving

"Excuse i'm not mirror" Bambam say

And they continue bickering making Khyra confuse are they really close friend?

Class end and they making they way to cafeteria for lunch, siting at their usual table but with new member, Khyra.

"It's creepy peoples are watching me" Khyra eye wondering around

"It's because you hangout with the most popular guy in this college which is ME!" Bambam say

"HAH.. in your dream... it's because of me, this cutie pie" Yugyeom argue

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