Chapter 2

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aChapter 2: Creature 101.

 “Welcome to your first class.”  I said leading them into a empty classroom.

“Where are the other students?” Jared asked.

“They are either on break or in other classes; my class only starts later this afternoon.”  I said walking towards the chalkboard.

“Okay how much of this world have you been told?” I asked as soon as everyone had taken their seats.

“What do you mean of this world?” a red head named Jane asked.

“Okay let me rephrase the question do know about the things that go bump in the night?” I asked pulling my chair and sitting down.

“What are you talking about?” Jared asked.

“I’m going to take that as a no.” I said with a sigh.

“Please just explain that is going on and why we are here.” Killian said speaking for the first time since lunch.

“Okay well I’ll start at the very beginning then; firstly you should know that all the stories about the monsters in your closest and under your beds exist.”

There was absolute silence.

“What like the boogieman?” Jane asked thinking it was a joke.

“Well no the boogieman doesn’t exist was made up by parents to scare their kids.”

“Then what are you saying?” Venus asked.

“I am saying that monsters are real.” I said slowly.

“Like what.”  Jane asked.

“Sirens, vampires and dragons just to name a few.”

“You’re insane.” Venus said standing up.

“Venus just relax I’m not lying to you.” I said stand up slowly.

“You can’t actually expect us to believe that.” Venus said.

“Okay, you don’t have to believe me but you have to relax.”

“Why should we listen to anything you have to say?”

“What would I gain by lying to you?” I asked placing my hands on her shoulders.

“You’re crazy.” Venus said.

“You know I’m not; I can feel your power.”            

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Venus said looking at her shoes.

“You are a very bad liar, Venus; you don’t have to be scared you are not alone.”

“I’m a freak.”

“No you are not; everyone in this room has a power or is a creature of some sort you can trust me.” I said smiling down at her.

“I can control people’s emotions not for every long though.” Venus finally admitted.

“That is a very cool gift; thank you for telling me.”

“Why are we like this? Killian asked.

“Well about 10000 years ago there was humans and creatures, such as fairies but we can them fae.”

“Why do you call them that?” Jane asked.

“Don’t actually know who started if but was a long time ago.” I asked walking to the front of the class. “One day a creature known as Deviloes was walking along a road when he found a woman.” As I talk I lifted my hands a man appeared walking along a red road in front of him was a woman.

“How are you doing that?”   

“I can bend the atoms in the air to created pictures.” I explained. “Anyway when Deviloes came across the woman picking flowers he was dumbstruck at home beautiful she was.” I waved my hands and the image disappeared.

“It was from that woman and him that our kind came from.” I said looking at the class.

“How who is she? And he?”Jared asked.

“She was a human girl and he well he is what we are taught to be thought of is a demon and a monster.”

“Does that make as monsters?” Venus asked.

“No we are no more a monster than what he was… we are taught that he is a monster because he did something that wasn’t accepted by his kind.” I explained.

“What did he do?” Killian asked leaning forward in his chair.

“He fell in love with a human.”

“And that’s how we exist?” Jane asked.

“Yes we are descendents of the creature that was created because of true love.” I said walling back to my desk.

 “Why do we have powers and stuff like that?” Venus asked.

“I don’t know… no one does unfortunately.”

“That’s helpful.” Jared said.

“Look I don’t have all the answers and even I have questions so I will o my best to answer yours.”

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