Sing Me a Song

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  Ryan and Brendon were bickering in the kitchen again. Brendon wanted to bake chocolate chip cookies but Ryan insisted that it had to wait since the kitchen needed to be swept and the dishes needed to be done.

  "But the smell, the taste, everything. Why would you deny me of this?" Brendon said, attempting to make his puppy eyes.

  Ryan gave him a pointed stare. "No."

  Dallon chuckled at the weak attempt to woo Ryan. He was in the living room, working on song lyrics, a Word document pulled up and littered with aimless words and metaphors. He'd been lacking song inspiration lately and staring at the screen did absolutely nothing. He sighed as the clatter of pots and pans was heard. Dallon left his laptop on the couch and went to see what the commotion was. There were his partners, making out heatedly against the counter.

  "If you're gonna fuck, please do it in the bedroom and not on the kitchen counter," Dallon interrupted.

  The two broke apart, panting. Ryan flushed a shade of pink while Brendon laughed.

  "Care to join us then babe?" Brendon replied flirtatiously.

  "No, I have work to do. Have fun, don't use too much lube and try not to be as loud as last time. We don't need our neighbors coming over to ask if we're alright again."

  Ryan somehow turned even more red from embarrassment, "Shut the fuck up Dal."

  "Mhmm, you should take that advice while in bed," he murmured.

  An idea popped in his head as he watched Ryan trail behind Brendon, watching them turn the corner to the bedroom. He could write about them. He went back to the couch, to his laptop and began typing out ideas.


  Loud sobbing filled the house, alerting Dallon. He dropped the dishes back into the sink and rushed to the bathroom upstairs. He went through the bedroom, knocking on the door, realizing it was Ryan who was wailing.

  "Leave me alone," the crying stopped for a moment and those words were croaked out.

  "Love, do you need me to get something to help? I can call Bren or go down and grab something for you."

  The lock clicked and the door opened. There was Ryan, tears running down their face and their nose had turned a rosy shade of pink along with their cheeks. Dallon opened his arms and Ryan stumbled into them. The tears started flowing at a heavier rate and Dallon just moved his hand up and down Ryan's back in a form of comfort.

  "Do you wanna tell me about it?" He asked.

  "Dysphoria," Ryan reluctantly mumbled.

  "Is there anything I can do to help?" Dallon asked, gently running his fingers through silky locks.

  "Just wanna be held."

  Dallon didn't have to verbally reply. He pulled Ryan to the bedroom and sat down, Ryan staring at their feet as Dallon situated himself against the headboard. He opened his arms again as a silent invitation and his datemate crawled over to him, cuddling their head into his chest. He sent a quick text to Brendon, letting him know where they were and what was going on since Dallon knew that Brendon shouting for them would only make Ryan worse. Dallon pressed a sweet kiss onto Ryan's head and tightened his grip on them, holding them close to him.


  Brendon danced his heart out on stage, dressed and painted as Drisella Kokane. His partners were in front of the stage watching him do what he loved. Ryan turned and whispered to Dallon then took off towards the bar, probably grabbing a drink. Dallon grabbed a tip from his pocket and held it out. Drisella smirked and sauntered over, gently and slowly grabbing the money. She slyly winked at him and went over to collect more tips from others.

  Ryan came back a couple minutes later, holding two fruity cocktails in their hands and a beer bottle tucked into their elbow. They handed one of the cocktails to him so they could grab his beer. The dainty glass was replaced with a bottle filled with bittersweet liquid.

  The lights went down momentarily and Drisella emerged from another room, gratefully accepting the drink Ryan handed her. She took a sip and moaned from relief; it felt good to have a cold drink after sweating under 200 pounds of makeup, padding and wigs.

  "Mmm, I'm gonna go get out of this and I'll meet you guys here in 10?"

  "Deal," Dallon pecked her cheek and watched her wander off, wrapping an arm around Ryan who was cheerfully chatting with Syren.


  "Alright, we've got one more song left and then we'll sadly have to leave," the crowd booed at those words. "I know, I know. I don't wanna leave either but I have a treat. Should I be kind and play a new song?"

  Dallon chuckled as the noise amped up. Ryan and Brendon were at the front row, joining in on the cheers.

  "This song's dedicated to two very special people in my life. I love you two. This song is called Always."

  He had swapped out his bass for an acoustic guitar and strummed a bit to make sure it was still in tune. The first opening notes filled the small arena, filling bright eyes with even more  joy. His voice soon joined the flurry of sound.

  "When the world gets too heavy
Put it on my back
I'll be your levy
You are taking me apart
Like bad glue
On a get well card

It was always you
Falling for me
Now there's always time
Calling for me
I'm the light blinking at the end of the road
Blink back to let me know

I'm a fly that's trapped
In a web
But I'm thinking that
My spider's dead
Lonely, lonely little life
I could kid myself
In thinking that I'm fine

It was always you
Falling for me
Now there's always time
Calling for me
I'm the light blinking at the end of the road
Blink back to let me know

That I'm skin and bone
Just a king and a rusty throne
Oh, the castle's under siege
But the sign outside says, "Leave me alone."

It was always you
Falling for me
Now there's always time
Calling for me
I'm the light blinking at the end of the road
Blink back to let me know
Blink back to let me know."

  A last soft strum ended the piece and applause began. Dallon glanced at the audience and saw the occasional tear running down someone's face. His eyes landed on his partners who were both wiping away tears that had escaped their wide eyes. Ryan's hands were in front of their mouth as they sobbed and Brendon just smiled as wide as he could.

  Dallon said his last goodbyes and left the stage, getting a pat on the back from his bandmate.

  As soon as he entered the little dressing room, he was enveloped in a hug. Brendon and Ryan wrapped themselves around him, still shedding a couple tears.

  "God I love you," Brendon said, his voice muffled by Dallon's shirt.

  He kissed the top of the other's head in response, Ryan staying quiet and gripped him tightly.

  "Let's go home you two."
  A sprinkle of angst amongst the fluff. This is for StarryEyesDarkSkies 🖤. I hope you enjoyed it and lemme know what you think! 🖤

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