Happy Birthday, Love

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  Delicate flowers were clutched in his hand, a swirl of red carnations, deep purple heather and elegant white Angelica. Brendon had picked them out by meaning because he knew Ryan loved flower meanings. Red carnations for deep affection and love, heather lavender for beauty and Angelica for creative encouragement.

  They were beautiful and he knew Ryan would love them. Brendon's deep hazel eyes darted to the clock in his car, blue numbers reminding him of the time. 10:34. Ryan would probably be awake in about half an hour and it was a 10 minute drive. God, he hoped Dallon was done with the cake.

  Speaking of Dallon, Brendon quickly sent a text to him.

  Brendon: on my way, is the cake done?

  His phone chimed as a reply came through.

  Dallon: Yeah, I'm putting it in the fridge rn.

  Brendon: ok, thank you <3

  Dallon: You're welcome <3

  Brendon locked his phone and dropped it into his lap, too lazy to put in anywhere else. He placed they keys in the ignition and turned them, hearing the sound of the engine roar. He slowly backed out of the small parking lot, glancing at the rear view mirror before taking off. Hopefully Ryan wouldn't wake up before he got home.


  Brendon inserted the keys and unlocked the front door as quietly as possible. Dallon rushed forward immediately took the flowers from him, gently laying them down on the table. A beautifully iced chocolate cake was laying there and on top was a giant, lilac heart since Ryan said they didn't want to be reminded of how old they were.

  "They're gonna love it," Dallon whispered.

  "Are they awake yet?"

  "No, we should though."

  Brendon dashed off with Dallon trailing closely behind him. The two carefully opened the door to the the shared bedroom, struggling a bit to see Ryan's sleeping form in the darkness. They were bundled up in the duvet, the fabric wrapped tightly around them, like a burrito. Ryan had had a rough, teary night so their boyfriends let them steal the blanket without complaint.

  Brendon and Dallon crept up on either side of Ryan and climbed into the bed with them, Brendon spooning them from behind while Dallon was in front of them, admiring their gorgeous features. Dallon planted a kiss to Ryan's Adam's apple with Brendon whispering in their ear. "Wake up baby."

They mumbled a barely coherent "fuck off," and rolled over to face Brendon who shook them awake.

  "Asshole..." they muttered, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from their eyes.

  "Love you too," Brendon replied.

  After a few more tired grunts, curse words and stretches, Ryan was awake. Well, awake as in their eyes were open but it looked like they were about to topple at any moment.

  "Happy birthday Ryan!" Dallon exclaimed.

  "Huh? Oh, yeah," they mumbled, still out of it.

  Brendon giggled and grabbed their hand, dragging them down the hall to the dining room where their presents were. Ryan looked at the flowers for a moment, picking them up and touching the petals with their fingertips before realization dawned on their face. The flowers were abandoned on the table as Ryan's jaw dropped and a gasp left their throat.

  Nimble fingers cupped Brendon's chin and pulled him into a short but loving kiss. Ryan did the same to Dallon once they pulled away from Brendon. Softly connecting their lips for a second before pulling away.

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