Chapter 1: Origin

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In order for me to tell you this story, I need you to do something. Can you do that? I need you to believe in the impossible. See that green blur right there? That's me! My name is Izuku Midoryia, and I am the fastest man alive. But it wasn't always this way.

<no ones POV>
Izuku was panting. He was so late. As a CSI, and brand new at his job, he didn't want to be fired on day 14. He finally made it, and ducked under the police tape. "Sorry captain."

"What's your excuse this time, Midoryia?"

Detective Uraraka chirped in to save Izuku from the verbal beat-down that captain Nezu was about to give him (A/N BTW, Nezu is not a rat. he is just a smol human) "He was running an errand for me captain. Izuku do you have what I asked for?" asked Izuku's adopted father. Uraraka had raised Izuku ever since his father was sent to prison.

"Uh, yeah," answered Izuku nervously, as he pulled out a half-eaten chocolate bar. "I got kind of hungry on the way over." He then proceeded to analyze the crime scene. It was another robbery. The Martin Brothers were at it again. After a few seconds of analyzing, he found something odd. Manure. He concluded that the Martin Brothers were most likely hiding out on a farm of some kind.

<Time-skip to Izuku's lab at the MCPD (Musutafu City Police Department) Precinct brought to you by Styzmask, the guy who made the neat remix ur probably listening to. And viewers like you>

The chemical analysis had concluded that there were trace amounts of a certain steroid in the manure. And only 5 farms in Musutafu City used that kind of steroid in there feed. One of those farms hopefully had the Martin Brothers hanging out there. As he was about to give the results to Shota, a cheerful, bubbly girl walked into Izuku's lab. Ochaco Uraraka. "Hey Izuku. You ready to go tonight?"

They had plans to go see All Might speech at S.T.A.R. Labs tonight. "Absolutely! I've always wanted to see All Might in person, not to mention go to S.T.A.R. labs. The work that Dr. Toshinori is doing there might change physics forever."

"Well, I just hope you can get work off tonight."

Det. Uraraka walked in to see the two conversing, and Izuku gave the results to the sleep-deprived detective. "Hey, dad, since Izuku solved your poop problem, maybe you could let him off a little early tonight to go see All Might at S.T.A.R. labs?" 

Shota took a sip of his coffee. "All right. Go see the Hero." The two thanked him, and Ochaco gave her dad a hug. The two then left to grab coffee from Jitters. The place Ochaco worked.

<Time-skip to the common area of S.T.A.R. labs, brought to you by Photoshop. Don't ask. And viewers like you>

Ochaco finally sparked up a conversation. "So, did you happen to find anything definitive during your trip to Hosu City?"

"No, but I did meet someone."

She suddenly beamed at him. She had been asking him to get a girlfriend for months. She began flooding him with questions. He gave some pretty vague answers, not wanting to give away Shinso's identity as The Arrow. The finally made it through the crowd, and had a pretty good view of All Might. He gave a speech about the future, when someone suddenly snatched Ochaco's purse. Izuku quickly gave chase, and was lead out of S.T.A.R. labs. The criminal knocked Izuku on the ground, but was quickly caught by MCPD's newest recruit, Katuski Bakugo.

<Time-skip to the MCPD precinct (another one) brought to you by DJ Khaled. Another one. And viewers like you>

"So that's detective pretty boy." said Ochaco, to which Izuku gave her a confused look.

"That's what my dad calls him."

"Ah, I see." answered Izuku, "I have work to do. He went up to his lab. He turned on the news, and the caster has rather panicked with an umbrella shielding her from the pouring rain. 

"We are now standing outside of S.T.A.R. labs, where All Might was seemingly attacked by a very powerful villain, everyone has been evacuated, but we are still awaiting more information on the situation."

Izuku didn't pay much attention, as he was once again looking over his mothers case-file. He knows what he saw that night. But no one would believe him. 

Suddenly, he heard the newscaster's voice turn off, as well as the lights. He looked out his window to see a large energy beacon go off in the middle of S.T.A.R. labs. He then looked up to see the sky turn a gold color. He opened his skylight, and saw the liquids in his beakers begin to rise. He then felt a sudden shock go throughout his body, as he was sent flying into his shelf of chemicals. Izuku had been struck by lighting.

A/N CLIFFHANGER UWU!!! thanks for not giving me too much crap about not updating. I think this story is going to be a very fun one to write. however, seeing how long it took to write this chapter, I'm just going to cover and tweak the first season of The Flash. Anyway, bit o' background, Bakugo is not a dick in this (yeah I swore.) Mainly because I really hate Bakugo when he's a jerk. And, he doesn't really fit the roll of Eddie Thawn. Anyway, Click all de Buttons. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Izuku Midoryia, Fastest Man Alive (My Hero Academia AU)Where stories live. Discover now