Chapter 3: Rise of the Rogues

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Izuku had had a busy day. He'd been running around the city stopping all kinds of crimes. He suddenly heard his earpiece buzz.

"Izuku, there's a fire on 5th and north. Authorities are on the scene but the evacuation is going pretty slow." Izuku heard his new friend, Iida, say from the desk back at S.T.A.R. labs.

"Then let's speed things up." said Izuku. He then ran to the address Iida had given him. He had gotten a lot better at using his speed. He ran into the building and grabbed as many civilians as he could. He ended up evacuating the whole building.

"Nice job Izuku." said Momo. "You should probably get back here though."

"Nonsense." said Dr. Toshinori. "We still need to test young Midoryia's ability to perform under pressure. So far, the tests are going great. Iida, run another scan."

"Robbery in progress. Some thugs are attacking an armored van."

"Where?" asked Izuku.

"Main street, heading out of town. Hurry."

Izuku ran straight there. grabbing some food on the way. He did what he usually did. Grab some food off the counter, and leave a few bucks where he found the food. His metabolism was very fast, and running at these speeds meant he was burning off tons of calories. He needed lots of food to keep up. Izuku was almost there, so he kept running.


The truck was driving down main street. They had to get these expenses to the Hosu city bank. Seeing as Queen Consolidated owned the place the money was coming from. The man in the passenger seat looked to his right, out the window, to see a man on a motorcycle matching their speed. He turned his head to the left, and saw another man doing the same. They knew this meant trouble. He leaned into his radio, but before he could call for backup, he felt the vehicle lean forward. Almost as if it was being lifted from behind. He turned and saw a large tow-truck lifting the armored van. The guards stepped out, and drew their weapons, only to be grabbed by the assailants who were on motorcycles. A man with a hand on his face stepped out of the van, and removed a strange gun, firing it on the back door of the van. A white flame erupted from the gun, freezing over the door. Busting the locked door opened, he saw his haul. However, he was interrupted by a certain green streak. 

Izuku rushed the man out of the van, and freed the guards from the assailants. He then turned to tie them up, but was surprised by the man with a hand on his face. Izuku was hit with the gun. He felt almost completely frozen. He heard his earpiece buzz.

"Izuku, you okay?" asked Iida.

The people at S.T.A.R. labs looked at his vitals and saw that his body temperature was dropping rapidly. 

"Young Midoryia, try heating yourself up by vibrating. It may cause enough body heat to restore your temperature." suggested Dr. Toshinori.

Izuku vibrated his body until he felt himself warming up. He stood, and saw the assailants on their motorcycles, trying to escape. Izuku gave chase, until he heard a gunshot, and one of the guards screaming. Izuku turned and saw that one of the guards had been shot. Izuku ran the guard to the hospital, and returned to the chase. He quickly caught up to them, but was hit by the man with a hand on his face.

"You're not someone I remember." he said removing his hand to reveal a sick face, with red, sunken eyes. "Stay out of my way, speedy."


Izuku returned to S.T.A.R. labs. He was upset that he let the man escape. But the safety of the guard came first. 

"Did you see who it was?" asked Iida. "Maybe we could try and identify him, and see where he'll strike next."

Izuku Midoryia, Fastest Man Alive (My Hero Academia AU)Where stories live. Discover now