Chapter 1

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"Marah, can you get my lunch?" Olivia whined.

Olivia was my best friend, my partner in crime. She had broken her leg two weeks ago, and was on crutches. I would usually have sympathy for someone injured like this, but in my defense, she did something stupid and this was the result.

I sighed. "What's your locker combination again?" I asked, picking up my own books as well as hers as we headed out of class.

"I'm buying today, so I don't need you to carry my lunch. I can open my locker myself." She replied, digging out her elevator key as we waited for the doors to open.

Our school didn't let just anybody ride the elevator. You had to have a doctor's note saying you couldn't go up and down the stairs, and you were only allowed to take one person with you to carry your things. I personally liked to take the stairs, because if you were trapped in the elevator with some cripple, the awkward silence could get annoying.

"You mean I have to wait in that long line to get your lunch?" I asked with my eyes wide.

"Well, I can't exactly carry my own tray." She said in a mock tone while the elevator doors slid open. I stepped in while she struggled to get inside the small, boxed in area.

"You're waiting in line with me." I demanded while pressing the lower level button.

"But, it hurts to stand for too lo - " She started to protest, but I cut her off.

"Purposefully jumping off your roof for fun isn't a valid excuse to just sit down while I waste my lunch period waiting for your food. You're coming with me or you'll starve,"

"It wasn't for fun!" She exclaimed. "It was an accident and - "

"So seeing if - " I started again, but this time she cut me off.

"Never mind! I'll wait with you in the lunch line." She groaned.

I smirked to myself as the elevator dung and the heavy metal doors slid open once again. Outside the doors there were people waiting to get in the elevator to go. Most of them where injured with a person to help them carry their books, so it took a moment for them to limp to the side so we could make our way into the hallway.

We walked down the long hallyways lined with lockers in a short silece before I felt my shoulder hit someone. "Whoops sorry." I called over my shoulder to the tall boy with a tall blonde quiff I had just ran into before scrambling to catch back up with Olivia. God how fast can she walk with those crutches?!

"Wow nice job Marah." She said with a smirk on her face while I quickly twisted my combination into my small locker.

"Shut up you cripple." I resonded while throwing my books into the blue locker before quickly grabbing my paper bag lunch.

"How dare you insult me." She said in fake hurt while we crossed the hall to her locker.

"You know who's hot?" Olivia spoke randomly as I put her things inside of her locker.

I turned to look at her, checking to see if she was looking at anyone while talking. When I realized her gaze wasn't set on anyone particular, I decided to respond.

"That was random. Who has your mind been set on?" I asked.

"This kid in my algebra class. He's really cute, with this dimple when he smiles and kind of curly hai - "

I lightly slapped her arm as a teacher headed towards us. The hallways were getting less crowded, with only us and a few late students rushing to get to class.

"Get to class." He muttered, while coming up to us and crossing his arms and looking at us with a dead expression in his eyes as he slowed down near us.

"We're getting her things," I explained. Unfortunately, it appeared he was like me: no sympathy for Olivia.

"Other people were able to get their things within the time limit, so can you." He replied.

Olivia looked offended. "Mind you that the elevator takes more time than the stairs."

"Excuse me?" The teacher asked, his eyebrows raising.

"The elevator takes more time to - " Olivia started to speak again, but I didn't like the look on the teacher's face. He looked like he was going to give us detention right then and there and I didn't know about Olivia, but I didn't want to sit in a classroom doing nothing after school hours.

The teacher raised his eyebrows at Olivia as she tried to explian to him with a pissed off tone in her vioce.

"We'll just head to the lunchroom." I muttered quickly while closing her locker and scurrying away, hoping Olivia would get the hint and follow me.

After a moment I heard her crutches hitting against the ground with the same rythem I was used to. Even as we walked away I could feel the teachers glare against our backs until we turned the corner.

"Liv, what were you thinking?" I raised my voice slightly as we continued towards the lunch room.

"What?" She asked innocently.

"Back talking to a teacher? He looked like he was ready to chop our heads off!"

"He was being unreasonable!" She retorted.

"That doesn't mean you can just back talk, we could have gotten in trouble."

"Well we didn't soo." She replied while dragging out the last word and leaving it hanging in the air.

A small smile spread across my face, "You better be glad we didn't because I would of broken your other leg if you made me sit in detention with you."

Olivia let out a laugh as we took our places in the long lunch line to get her lunch.


A/N: it will pick up, I promise!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2014 ⏰

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